Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A vermin called Jennifer Fermino, on the shit-stained Daily News

You know what's missing in ALL of the media, not just Fox News and the merde-filled Murdoch newspapers?


We all know that newspapers lean in one direction or another. This is quite apparent on the editorial page, where they'll support certain politicians or rage about certain issues.

Newspapers can editorialize ON THE EDITORIAL PAGE. The rest of the paper is supposed to be a NEWSPAPER. It's supposed to print the FACTS, not slanted and biased opinion.

The Daily News, for some reason, has gone ballistic over the issue of carriage horses in the park. They are FOR it. They're for animals lumbering around carting fat tourists in 5 degree cold, or 90 degree heat. Every article they run on this issue is heavily slanted. It's as if they fucking OWN all the carriage horses and are making money off this.

The other two major papers in town report on the issue, and seem to be FOR a ban on carriage horses, but it's hard to tell from their reporting. But then again, they don't have corrupt editors and flunky writers like Jennifer Fermino, who seems like she'll do anything she's told to do, even if it's against all the ethics of her profession.

The Daily News reached a new low when one politician, contemplating some kind of compromise, ultimately decided he was on the side of "ban the carriage horses."

How did they report this news? By Photoshopping the man COVERED IN HORSE SHIT.

Jennifer Fermino's slanted article wasn't enough bad reporting and hypocrisy?

How does the Daily News know that horses want to lug morons through the park every day? How do they know that a horse would dump its load on this man? Maybe horses would nuzzle the man affectionately instead? Because he is NOT in favor of making them slave on all types of weather in a monotonous route on hard pavement???

Some of my faithful readers will note, that this is a biased, humorous, but pretty irreverent blog. Yet, I wouldn't think of Photoshopping any politician with excrement all over him. Especially not over his opinion on a fairly minor issue such as carriage horses in Central Park.

I wouldn't even Photoshop Viley Virus or Kim Kuntrashian like that, but mostly that's because we all know they're shit piles anyway.

I am actually going so far as to say that what the Daily News did was DISRESPECTFUL. Low class. SHITTY.

This is one of the 3 largest newspapers not only in New York City, but in all of America. This is a newspaper that is in every library, including school libraries.

School kids are encouraged to read the paper and get to know the adult world, and THIS is adulthood? Covering a politician in shit?

How do you tell some kids not to throw spitballs, punch each other, or rub shit in some kid's face, when it's OK for the fucking Daily News? Christ, I don't think the London Daily Fail would do something like this. The fucking National Inquirer wouldn't.

It's just another sign that sanity, common sense, any kind of respect, and even the most modest amount of decency is harder to find than ever.

I guess they were right, when they say a newspaper is really only fit for use on the bottom of a bird cage. Especially when it Photoshops shit.

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