Friday, February 20, 2015

Geraldo Rivera says Rap is more dangerous than Racism - Gets Slapped

One thing you CAN'T do, is say the obvious. Not if it's "politically incorrect."

IF I'M BEING HONEST, weren't we taught to be honest? Take the fable of "The Emperor's New Clothes." A kid dares to state the truth. He's admired for it.

Isn't that the message that Bob Dylan learned, and Dr. King, and Muhammad Ali, and Lenny Bruce? You speak the truth, and you're respected. You do it well enough, and you change people and have followers.

Now "The Emperor's New Clothes" is just an obscure fairy tale. (And mind the use of "fairy," these days, or GAYS will throw a snit!) Now people are taught to shut up, deny the obvious, and live with lies.

RAP music is mostly mindless, violent, racist, sexist, and obnoxious. But even if Geraldo Rivera said "Most of" or "In my opinion half of," he would've been jeered and called a racist nut.

RAP music led to an Australian tourist being shot in the back. He was murdered. The three blacks who killed him said they heard violent rap and decided hell, why not kill a white guy?

It was news for about an hour. The victim was white. The music was RAP. So better to keep shouting Trayyyyyvon. And on and on. A white victim of outright murder thanks to RAP music? Nevermind.

Suge Knight is in jail at the moment. Ain't he one of the BIG names on RAP? He's up there with Biggie Smalls (killed in gang war RAP violence) and Tupac Shakur (killed in gang war RAP violence). RAP has cultivated an image of low-life criminality, with its stars bragging about fights, drugs, and ho' activities. Lil Kim, anyone? Even the women in rap are disgusting. The "uniform" for the rapper is pants around the knees, hat turned backward, and what looks like the handle of a gun or knife protruding from a pocket.

RAP is dangerous and anti-social and almost all rappers deliberately cultivate a nasty, sullen, ignorant, violent image.

Enter, Geraldo Rivera.

For those out of town, Geraldo Rivera started as a local TV reporter for ABC. His "biggie" was charging into Willowbrook, a state-run facility for retards, and exposing the deplorable conditions. Being Latino, good looking, aggressive, pushy and waving the Liberal-Democrat flag all worked in his favor. Nevermind he wrestled Roger Grimsby to the ground (Grimsby, twice Geraldo's age and the anchorman for ABC news) threatening to beat him. Nevermind that he apparently abused his wife, who was Kurt Vonnegut's daughter (Kurt referred to him bitterly as Jerry Rivers, claiming the "Geraldo Rivera" angle was just a ploy).

Geraldo played his own race card and zoomed all over the map of news shows, current events shows and talk shows for the past 30 years. He's about as well-liked as Piers Morgan. The nadir of Geraldo's career was a notorious TV special where he vowed to open Al Capone's hidden vault live on TV and expose the contents. He hinted it could be money, drugs, maybe a dead body or two. Uh, no.

While Geraldo is more blunt, aggravating and pompous than Piers, the two have this annoying habit of SOMETIMES being RIGHT. This is one example.

Yet even the Latino Mr. Rivera couldn't get away with saying RAP is BAD, or anti-social clothing and menacing behavior from drugged-up drop-outs is bad. He's gotten shouted down indignantly, just as Cosby did, and anyone over 40 who might suggest that blacks keep their pants on, stop the cursing and violence, and get an education. Rolling Stone, now regularly reviewing rap and taking that shit seriously, smirked at Geraldo's uncool remarks, and the guy's been widely condemned in the media for his "untrue, unfair and racist" remarks.

The slamming of Rivera is a warning to others to SHUT UP and don't say BOO about such powerful new Gods of the entertainment world as Kanye, P.Diddy or Jay-Z etc etc.

Meanwhile this ugly, annoying music festers everyone's ears. Dumb white film producers seem to think it's mandatory to throw a rap song on the end credits to every movie. This goes back to M.C. Hammer and the "Addams Family" for fuck's sake. How did "The Addams Family" of white ghouls end up with a rap song about them?

Jimmy Fallon's "Tonight Show" has a band that "raps" intros to most stars who get introduced, and uses irritating rap music between the breaks. It's shoved at us in every fast food joint and everywhere that blacks are the employees. Even the post office. It's their "revenge" for having menial jobs due to their own laziness and lack of education. They'll put down any famous blacks who made it in White America, such as Cosby or Oprah. Any stars who fought their way out of public housing, or a poor and fractured home, to compete equally with whites in politics, stand-up, films or talk shows, are labeled "Uncle Tom" or "Aunt Jemimah" by lazy ghetto stooges. Often a well-spoken black has to lapse into ghetto talk or wear loud sweaters or do some idiotic hand gestures or "funky" head shaking just to prove they got "soul" and are only acting white for "The Man."

To say RAP is CRAP is to signal that you're either old, or racist, or both.

Can you at least say 90% of it is CRAP? I've tried to get into this shit, because I try to experiment with all types of music, but this is just as CRAPPY as modern classical music, or Viley Virus and other teeny BOP junk or endless jazz riffs. You really have to hunt and hunt to find something that's saying something, or breaking boundaries without breaking ear drums. The difference is that the people behind other forms of music aren't posturing like criminals, and acting as if violence and misogyny are good things.

People have no problem saying Yoko Ono's music is crap. After all, she's ASIAN. If Lil Kim's face was on the cover instead, same music, Rolling Stone would be reviewing it with shock and awe.

Dylan once muttered, "The world is ruled by violence, but that's better left unsaid." You could certainly make a case that the main reason nobody wants to say anything negative about RAP or blacks, is that they'll riot and destroy your shop or fire bullets through your window or just plain beat the crap out of you...things that Asians and Jews are not likely to do. Because their culture goes back a thousand years, and they've learned to use their brains instead of their brawn. And I'd rather listen to Asian or Jewish music over RAP any day.

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