Friday, February 13, 2015

Craig Stephen Hicks - one of America's finest ASSHOLES

Gee, what a surprise. A fucking dumbass obese lump of dough with no chin and blubbery "eat me some Doritos" lips, who lives in NORTH CAROLINA, turns out to be a murderous gun nut.

What makes stupid looking, ugly fat Craig Stephen Hicks interesting to the media, is not the rather boring fact that he shot down three innocent people, but they were MUSLIMS. Young, and rather attractive ones, too. They weren't as stereotypically Muslim as Hicks is stereotypically a fat ugly dimwitted American piece of gun-nut garbage.

HOW many fucking guns did you have, Hicks? HOW many?

America has almost no gun control laws. A fat, brainless fool like this can waddle into a store and grab as many firearms as he can stow in his fucking SUV.

A gun store owner (only marginally more intelligent) couldn't say, "Jeez, you look one chromosome away from being a squid. What ARE you going to do with all those weapons?"

There's no background check. There's no, "Christ, you're too fucking stupid looking to trust with a gun." NOTHING. That's America, as typified by ugly obese psychotic Craig Stephen Hicks.

So far, his equally disgusting pudding of a wife has tearfully insisted that her chubby tubby blubbery hubby is no racist.

Naw, he fired at these three, execution style, because "there's been a dispute over parking" at his condo. Really? This guy has enough money to buy into a condo? Even in North Carolina, it would have to cost a little bit more money than you'd think a whale-belly pinhead like this could ever make.

The Muslims were educated, bright people. Two of them were going to dental school. I know, dentistry IS a form of terrorism, but they were attempting to fit in. Only one of them wore anything close to a burka. Most of her face was quite viewable, and not bad at all. Especially when compared to ugly fat disgusting Craig Stephen Hicks.

The media was making sure to play up the "he's not a racist" angle, but don't you somehow doubt that being MUSLIM worked in their favor? Isn't it likely that if cowardly Craig was facing off against three Southern assholes he knew to own guns, he would've just gone inside and had a few beers and read his copy of Hustler?

Hicks does send a message to immigrants: be careful WHERE you choose to live, and be especially careful if it's anywhere that could be called THE SOUTH. You see somebody who looks like Hicks, and is in one of the states that was part of the Confederacy, and would be best to look elsewhere.

You'll note that in America, a cold-blooded assassin never sports a black eye, never looks distressed, and is treated with great tenderness and respect. If he surrenders without a struggle, he's treated like a fine, fine gentleman.

America could do worse than to behead this fucking fat asshole. Or just put him in a helicopter and dump him somewhere in Syria so ISIS can do it.

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