Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pierce Brosnan, a bigger smellier asshole than Piers Morgan?

Anyone heard from greasy-haired has-been Pierce Brosnan lately?

No, so that's why he's gotten in the news today on the basis of somebody else's fame. Somebody named Idris Elba.

The former 007 has endorsed this Elba guy to be the NEW JAMES BOND because...he's BLACK.

This was reported in THELADBIBLE. That's a variation on the LAD mags, like wimpy stupid Maxim? Google, Yahoo and the others listed a dozen similar parasite news sites all with the same story. Don't think I actually look at this fucked up dopey website as a rule, or even as an exception.

Grabbing any news story, re-writing the copy, changing the photo, is what they all do, hoping that all YOU out there will go to THEIR page so they might get a penny from Google.

Whether it's Buzzfeed, Scuzzfee, Pussfeed or THELADBIBLE, it's always a site run by a skeleton staff of boneheads. The second hand news remains the same.


Who the fuck asked him?

How trendy, this IDRIS ELBA. It's not enough to be black anymore, you have to have a total wacko black name, too.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, Pierce's blab is the kind of blatant provocateur pissing that Piers Morgan does so well. Is Pierce trying to be Piers?

Piers Morgan is the prime idiot for saying anything JUST to be controversial and get those valuable "hits" that help the London Daily Fail get their ads.

I guess Pierce Brosnan is being Piers Morgan just to let people know he's alive. Even if his mind is brain dead?

OK, Brosnan wasn't such a bad James Bond. I place him ahead of Timothy Dalton, and maybe he was a little more believable and less smarmy than Roger Moore. He was certainly younger.

But, stay out of it, Pierce. First off, is Daniel Craig done? I don't think so. There's another predictable fucking Bond movie coming out soon. And Pierce, I think if you were lobbying for Craig to be fired, he could seriously knock every tooth out of your very round head.

Now comes the bigger question. Why the fuck does EVERYTHING have to be "let's get a BLACK person?" It almost feeds into the crackpot world of redneck conspiracy theorists, the ones who use "Libtard" all the time, and even blame their hemorrhoids on Obama.

Seriously, if there's any area of American business that has NO fucking shortage of BLACK people, it's ENTERTAINMENT. That, and McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken. But the difference is that the BLACK people are paid a lot better in ENTERTAINMENT. Even if they don't do any better job than the jerk who keeps getting your order wrong at Burger King.

If you watch TV in America, you'd think the country was 50% black. Or 75% black. Every local news show seems to be interracial. Two anchors? One of them has to be black. A weather person and sports person? One of THEM better be black, too. Replace the host on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" or "Let's Make a Deal" or some other dopey quiz show? It's a BLACK. Gonna make a movie? Call Jamie Foxx before you call Tom Hanks. Gonna do a Broadway show? You dial up James Earl Jones. You try and fucking re-do an Angela Lansbury mystery show...cast a middle-aged black woman because she has to be the best actress in the world. Gonna make a sensitive movie, then make it about an enormously obese black woman. Black, Black, Black. Gonna do a re-make of "Wild Wild West," the old TV show? WILL SMITH, of course.

The Grammy awards? Beyonce! Kanye! Jay-Z hosting! BLACK BLACK BLACK!

So here comes douchebag Pierce Brosnan, aging asshole, to jump on the blackwagon. Libtard Pierce HAS to come out and say that the next James Bond should be, MUST be some black guy I never heard of.

A few years ago, it was Denzel Washington: HE should be the next James Bond. Because he's BLACK.

Reverse-racism. Fucking stupidity. Just like the black "Little Orphan Annie" at the movies last year.

Why can't all Liberals be like me? Don't risk being called a fucking "Libtard" for going so overboard and considering yourself just a piece of chalk on the BLACKBOARD.

Understand that some roles were meant to be played by whites, Chalky. There's no shame here. When Ian Fleming created James Bond, there were few blacks in the entire fucking country, and NONE of them were in the secret service. There were no black sheriffs in the Wild Wild West. There were no blacks in King Arthur's Court. Having a black dancer amid the white Rockettes makes her stick out like a black thumb.

What next? A black Sherlock Holmes? Well, we've gotten close with an Asian female Watson, on some stupid show called "Elementary."

This is the 21st Idiot Century? Bend the genders, do gimmick casting, and what next, have an actual Asian playing Charlie Chan?

How about a) letting the best actor do the job, which in the case of Chan, was Sidney Toler or Warner Oland, and b) don't be fucking ridiculous by sticking some black guy or gay guy or Asian woman into a role JUST to prove you're noble.

Technically a blond James Bond was silly enough, but hey, in the book, Bram Stoker stuck a mustache on Dracula, and the great Bela Lugosi and the great Christopher Lee had bald, stiff upper lips. Bloody ok, too. PS, they made a movie called "Blacula," and that was ok. It wasn't Dracula with a black guy who just happened to find his way into Transylvania in the 19th Century.

Pierce Brosnan has proved that he's noble. A real Liberal. Why march in a Civil Rights parade when he can just say "Oh, the next James Bond should be black." One thing Pierce Brosnan hasn't proved, is that he's anything but a has-been. Next time somebody wants to interview Pierce Brosnan, I have a suggestion: INTERVIEW A BLACK GUY INSTEAD.

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