Monday, February 9, 2015

Bruce Jenner Killed a Woman - But Who Cares, He's Taking Hormones

Did I really READ THIS right?

It turns out that Bruce Jenner bashed into an old lady's car, sent her careening into the path of an oncoming car, and got her KILLED?

Let me repeat the important lines:

Jenner was driving on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu a little after noon Saturday when he rear-ended a Lexus driven by 69-year-old Kim Howe, authorities said.

The collision sent Howe’s Lexus spinning into oncoming traffic, where a Hummer plowed into the luxury ride and killed her.

Do those lines seem important to YOU?

Why is it the article was titled "Bruce Jenner Is Taking Female Hormones," and why is it that stories about this accident have been all about "Bruce Jenner NOT HURT" and "Kardashian Step-Dad OK After Accident?"

In all the media frenzy over a washed-up Olympic athlete turned media whore parasite turned transitioning-female, NOBODY IS HEADLINING THAT THIS SON OF A BITCH KILLED A WOMAN?

I've been in a fatal car accident. (Obviously, not fatal for ME. And no, I wasn't driving).

I'm not suggesting that Jenner wanted to KILL someone. And I'm sure, egomaniac that he is, he STILL must feel a teensy weensy bit of guilt that he smacked into a woman's car and that woman is now DEAD. But I do think that the MEDIA should be reporting this story correctly.

Bruce Jenner KILLED A WOMAN. According to THIS story, at least, the facts would indicate that he's guilty of negligent homicide. The woman's family could see the, this prick. Er, cunt.

Let me remind you that, in America at least, there's NO excuse for rear-ending someone. You're supposed to always maintain enough space to able to stop if the car ahead of you stops or slows down. At the very least, you shouldn't be rear-ending the car with such impact that it careens into oncoming traffic!

Fact: if Bruce Jenner wasn't behind this old bag, she might still be alive NOW.

Yet he is allowed to be a regal lady and give out a line or two via his press rep, that he finds this whole situation "tragic" and that's all?

He's not going to be charged with even a misdemeanor of some kind?

And NOBODY in the media is calling him a killer, or even guilty of involuntary manslaughter? Or even being a fucking negligent driver? Because he's famous? Because these days he's transitioning and he might very well have been a negligee'd driver with frills and frocks under his frumpy shirt and jeans?

This is the same country, by the way, that wants to crucify Brian Williams for self-aggrandizing on a news broadcast, or Bill Cosby for slipping a mickey (allegedly) to a few social climbing sluts. Jenner KILLS somebody, unless I'm reading this article wrong, and that's the most minor part of the story???


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