Friday, February 27, 2015

What ingrates. Ransom for a reverse racist

They'll sort it out for Sorter.

Here's a woman who lives in trendy Seattle, and I guess there just aren't any minority group members there who might need advice or tutoring. No crime in Seattle. Highest literacy rate in the country, I'm sure.

She could've taken a bus down to Compton, in California, where all the rappers sulk and make spastic finger gestures, and wear their pants around their thighs. But, going ALLLLLLLLLLLL the way to Africa was much more noble.

It looks as good on the resume as Peter Gabriel putting on a blackface accent and singing "Beeeko, BeKO! Da man iss DED!"

Somehow, for the reverse racism of not caring about the white meth-heads in Seattle, or the blackheads, or the Chicanos in L.A., or the vast amount of immigrants who don't speak English, Rev. Sorter was not respected or rewarded. Nope, some thugs want a reward for kidnapping her. And where did they learn this? From the Somali Pirates and ISIS. Monkeys see, monkeys do.

The media promotes piracy and kidnapping as "fair and just" things for poor people to do. Or fat spuds in Holland. Or anyone anywhere. So it's a surprise that we're seeing what the fag journalists call an "uptick" in such crimes? To use another of their lame words, the "underpinning" behind all this, is that reporting dastardly crimes with a sense of shock and awe for the "Robin Hoods" has its...uh...REWARDS. Way too often.

Thank you media, for breathlessly promoting Pirate Bay, Somali Pirates, Julian Asshole Assange, and the rest of 'em. And Isis? They know you idiots in the media will jump at every flashy stunt they pull, which brings worldwide outrage and a lot of glee and excitement for punks who think, "Wow, I'd like to join THEM, they are KEWL! They get to rape women, and shoot guns, and destroy shit, and they don't believe in the religion Mum and Dad do! I'm IN!"

As Louis Armstrong sang it, "Watta wunnda full woild."

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