Friday, February 27, 2015

Lenovo Bloatware - Are We Closer to Cyber-geddon?

How lovely, a big computer company sells stuff loaded with a kind of dangerous malware. Oh, call it "bloatware" instead. Call it "adware." By any term, it's shit that can get you hijacked and your identity stolen.

Lenovo, uh, isn't that a company now owned by THE CHINESE?

I remember a few years ago, a smug computer-savvy friend of mine insisted I absolutely HAD to get a LENOVO. Oh yeah, the best of the best (if you exclude a Mac). Not only get a LENOVO, but get a custom-made one, with your choice of hard drive capacity, etc. etc. Except whatever I would've got, would've been bundled with a load of dangerous crap!

From insecure credit card data from giant chains such as Target, to creepy crap from Lenovo, it does seem that "the big one" will eventually arrive. It'll be the ultimate cyber-terror and hacker strike.

Didn't we come close when eBay insisted that everybody change their passwords? When some prominent banks muttered about compromised security? What are we supposed to do, store our money under the mattress? Considering the interest rates, why not?

I know people who insist on using their fucking credit card for everything, and in the dodgiest little bodegas and the crappiest little shops. Any surprise when they moan that somehow they were getting charges for stuff they didn't buy, and from places that ONLY cater to minorities?

What more can I say, as I upload this via some "insecure" server, and stare into my computer screen and wonder who is somehow staring back at me...

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