Saturday, February 21, 2015

Get 'em! Tell the Chelsea Handlers to Squeeze those Boobs!

See what I did?

Chelsea's "football" team fans are in trouble because a few goons acted racist. The whole fucking CONTINENT is an uproar because of it.

So I made a pun on the American comic and talk show pest, Chelsea Handler, who has a habit of baring her boobs all the time.

Chelsea Handlers. Get it! think it's...

Stupid??? A waste of time?

That applies not only to my Chelsea Handler pun, but this whole ridiculous, bullshit story about handling a few rowdy Chelsea fans. This incident is being blown up all over the world! Even the insular American press has picked up on it.

Come on, Great Britain, put every available officer on this. Nevermind the Brits who are routinely cursed and threatened by blacks, by Muslims, by Poles, or by any other immigrants Camoron has bent over to invite.


Go way out of your jurisdiction (this took place in Paris) to hunt them down! Nevermind Anonymous, based in England, and nevermind all the other crimes, or the rampant abuses by white trash Chavs who ruin so many once-decent neighborhoods. GET THEM CHELSEA FANS!

As for the poor black Frenchman, why, a few paragraphs down this article said that, SAPRISTI, thank CHRIST, "President Francois Hollande has had a discussion with Souleymane S. and gave him his full support following the odious racist aggression he suffered."

I guess there are a LOT of blacks named Souleymane in France now, so to keep the poor fellow's identity, his last name wasn't used.

Did anyone mention that these CHELSEA FANS also roamed around Paris shouting anti-Semitic curses? Ah, but that would involve the JUIFS, not the NOIRS. France, you know, welcomed black boxer Jack Johnson, and singer Josephine Baker, and any black jazz artists they could book. France, home of Yannick Noah, and a country that had warm, deep fingers stuck into Africa where they lovingly exploited the Noirs, absolutely ADORES black people almost as much as it ABSOLUTELY HATES JEWS.

France, which once seemed to be proud of Marcel Marceau and Serge Gainsbourg, no longer has any Jewish celebrities, do they? They barely have any Jews. While one or two politicians have stood up to declare "France would not be France without the Jews," it comes across more like, "A Deli would not be a Deli without flies."

Like, oh, the Jews aren't THAT horrible, are they? I mean, they ARE, but there aren't many of 'em, and they don't breed like rabbits, the way the Muslims do. Is it so bad to have some (ugh) JEWS in our country?

The answer of course, is a resounding OUI.

Meanwhile, find those CHELSEA FANS! What an outrage! What a world-wide calamity! Forget about people being beheaded in the street, blown up on a bus, or shot while in a supermarket! CHELSEA FANS wouldn't let a black guy on a crowded train and IT WAS CAUGHT ON SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS!


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