Thursday, February 19, 2015

Oooh! Drunken Chelsea Fans Block a Black

Let's call out the troops. Let's mobilize all resources. Get the FBI and Interpol on this.

A black guy didn't get on a packed subway train that happened to be full of rowdy white assholes.

Racism! Racism! Racism!

The man didn't get on a train!

For fuck's sake...

A dozen people get killed at Charlie Hebdo, Jews are slaughtered in a market, and THIS is given front page news?

This shit happens all the time, everywhere.

Even if you're WHITE, you know better than to try and board a crowded subway full of white louts. It's quite possible these white louts might actually let some black guy aboard, but push YOU.

No matter your race or religion, you should know better than to walk down the street when a crowd of drunks or hoodlum jerks are approaching. You avoid trouble and don't sit in an unguarded park or even a fast food joint when rowdy school brats are around.

So? So this asshole was called a bad name or two?

What a surprise. NOT.

You think that a crowded train full of blacks wouldn't laugh and jeer at "Whitey" trying to get aboard? Think they wouldn't shove "Whitey" back onto the platform? Think this doesn't happen in predominantly black parts o the world?

I'm not excusing this rotten behavior, but the sense of "outrage" is ridiculous. It's front page news and a call for justice, when some jerk can't get on a subway car full of bullies? GROW UP.

What, the newspapers want to call attention to "this issue" as if people don't already know?

I guarantee the same editors would tell a writer, "Fuck off," if that writer brought in: "Jew punched in the face." "Chinese store owner's window broken."

But the kicker here is that British soccer fans were being rowdy in France. Like they aren't everywhere they go. Like they aren't obnoxious to their own kind. Like they don't hit each other over the head with bottles.

Fer Chrissake, there have been incidents in America where some poor jerk of a fan, wearing the wrong team colors, got beaten senseless in a parking lot. It got so common nobody even cares anymore.

PS, in very small print, it turns out that these Chelsea idiots ALSO were abusive to other minorities. These were just not so important. I quote from way down in the article I've screen captured:

"Chelsea FC vowed to support criminal prosecutions. The West London club said in a statement: “Such behaviour is abhorrent and has no place in football or society. “Should evidence point to involvement of Chelsea season-ticket holders or members, the club will take the strongest possible action against them, including banning orders.”

There were also reports of other Chelsea followers singing anti-Semitic songs in Jewish areas of the city.

Oh. That's not the headline. Jews are being killed in France, but a bunch of thugs roaming the streets singing anti-Semitic songs is nowhere near as troublesome as a black guy being pushed back from getting aboard a crowded fucking train.

Selective, these newspapers. Twisted, these spin-doctored media reports. Some minorities get a lot more sympathy than others, don't they?

Anyone reporting any incidents in Birmingham, where a bus full of Muslims yell at a white person trying to get aboard? That a white person might be shoved, kicked and spat on for walking down the wrong street in Ferguson? No, and No.

I know. The big, BIG shock and surprise is that a racial incident on a French subway didn't involve the FRENCH, who aren't exactly that big on any minorities and hate tourists, too.

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