Friday, February 20, 2015

Cocksucker Lips RONAN FARROW booted, but stays up the MSNBC ass

Oh, metrosexual prettyboy Ronan Farrow got fired from his low-rated show. Good news.

The bad news? MSNBC decided to hold onto this no-talent whitebread idiot and, having him read from scripts and having REAL reporters do his work for him, he'll host "specials" in the future. That way he can better camouflage his total amateurism and the fact that he doesn't deserve to be on television at all. No, he doesn't even belong on watered down dumbed down cable TV where hundreds of channels are desperate to hire almost anyone who might have a following.

MSNBC? That's "Moronic, Stupid NBC," one of the various talent-diluted divisions of NBC.

Ronan started life with an even more idiotic name: Satchel. He was the bastard spawn of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, and Woody figured the kid should be saddled with a name saluting sweaty black trumpet player Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong. Or was it forgotten Negro leaguer Satchel Paige?

Eventually crazy Mia and neurotic genius Woody split, and Satchel's name got changed to Ronan. His biggest claim to fame was coming up with faggy insults about Woody being the husband of his sister. Like, "It's Father's Day, But My Father is My Brother." Whatever.

Nevermind that Soon-Yi is adopted, or that the inference that Woody married his own daughter is libelous.

When the almost more annoyingly-named Dylan Farrow whined that nobody should ever see a Woody Allen movie again because Woody touched her inappropriately once, Ronan roared to her defense.

Meanwhile, what the fuck was he doing to make a living? Mama Mia! Mama Mia used her influence to get him a bunch of cushy bureaucratic bullshit jobs. Once reporters came flocking to him, and he began to like it so much, it was decided he should have his own TV show.

And MSNBC agreed.

But the public didn't give a shit, even with Mia offering up the teasing notion that handsome Ronan's big fat full lips couldn't be Woody's genetics, nor his tallness, nor his angular head and jutting chin. She implied that she'd had an affair with her ex-husband Frank Sinatra, well before Woody could even pronounce "Soon-Yi."

So there you have it, a neurotic woman overflowing with adopted kids, cheats on Woody Allen. Nobody questions Mia Farrow's morality. Or her sanity. When the natural course of their relationship ended (and they never lived together) she went ballistic because he noticed how attractive her adopted daughter had become. Next thing, she's also throwing out charges of molestation, with some suggesting she brainwashed Dylan or magnified something that happened, so she could REALLY screw up Woody's life. Mia, the woman scorned. And dutiful son of a bitch that he is, Ronan joined the fun and turned himself into a celebrity.

That's the basics. And some of it could twist or turn slightly in sympathy toward Mia or Dylan, or Ronan's natural attachment to Mama, but NONE of it should've meant that an amateur belonged on MSNBC just because of who is parents are. (These days, he's referred to as the son of Mia Farrow and either Frank Sinatra or Woody Allen!)

If this was another time, Ronan would've been another Fabian, given an echo chamber and sent off to charm the girls and some gay boys, and maybe even pose for Playgirl. These days, no-talents get cable shows, and any time they walk a red carpet they get photographed, which underlines their supposed importance in the world.

When it comes to importance, the name that pops is Woody Allen. Oscar winner. Mia Farrow? Never nominated for an Oscar. Name anything she did that anybody cared about besides the potboiler "Rosemary's Baby" and marrying an aging Frank Sinatra. Dead last: Ronan Farrow.

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