Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dubious Dubai and the Bitches who play Tennis There

Well, lah-dee-frickin-DAH.

While the world is having a nervous breakdown, it's paradise in DUBAI.

Doobee-doo-Dubai is the Middle East's Las Vegas, right? Their Sun City. It's where Michael "Jew Me Jew You" Jackson felt right at home. As long as the prejudice is "all about the Hebes," what's not to like?

Ask all the tennis bitches. They LOVE it. Not a Jewess in sight. ISIS doesn't seem to bother anyone in Doobee-doo-Dubai, either. It's just rich Arabs havin' a ball.

Tennis anyone? Any Kike-hating Nazi bitches? How's it going, Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark?

Did the murders by Jew-hating ISIS cowards in Denmark throw you off your game? Aw, let's NOT talk politics, my pretty blonde Aryan-looking tennis bitch.

Places such as Dubai get a free pass for anti-Semitism. They can exclude a Jewish tennis player. If the event is big enough to attract big money for television rights, maybe a few Jews are ok, but they can be avoided and made to feel unwelcome. Like that recent "Miss World" or whatever it was, where Arab contestants refused to sit anywhere near Miss Israel, and apologized when Miss Israel smiled and came over and took (gasp) a SELFIE with them.

We're surprised the world's been so apathetic about ISIS? The world's been apathetic about anything involving the crazy Muslims. They got oil, so they can shave the clits off women, ban Christian churches, toss Jews out, or sit back and let terrorist groups such as Hamas flourish and do their bullying for them.

The world's rich assholes are getting the message: "Come to Dubai, we have tennis tournaments, beauty pageants, music concerts, and we're 99.9% Jew free. Er, germ free. Whatever. GOD IS GREAT! He smiles on DUBAI."

Dizzy Desi the Toot, the cackling jackass in a dress, alias Desmond Tutu, thinks Israel is the world's only apartheid state, just as Iran thinks it's the only country that should be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Dubai? That's a FINE, FINE country!

Sing it, Chiffons: "Dubai, Dubai, Dubai. Dubai DUBAI. They're SO FINE..."

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