Thursday, February 12, 2015

"The Joker" James Holmes costs $7 Million to Put On Trial

One thing you have to say for ISIS. They swing a sword, chop off a head, and it costs NOTHING.

In America, a useless dirtbag bastard named James Holmes, is STILL in the midst of a trial, and the cost keeps staggering upward and upward. Like, SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS.

There's no question he's guilty. The government is just concerned over whether to pamper this pussy in a looney bin where he can coax extra privileges and lead a happy life and go visit Mommy for unsupervised weekends (like the guy who tried to murder Reagan). Or do we put him in a prison, in solitary, and make sure somebody doesn't find a way to kill him (like they did Jeffrey Dahmer, the cannibal). Or, is it possible he'll actually be given a death sentence, and five or ten or twenty years to keep appealing it (as has happened thousands of times with cold-blooded killers).

America, we're SO civilized. We're so concerned about doing what's "right." Looney bin? Jail? Some form of a death sentence that is merciful and quick and doesn't cause a killer any "pain and suffering?" And so SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS goes down the train for this fucking James Holmes bastard, who armed himself, booby-trapped his apartment, wore bullet-proof protection, and played "The Joker" by murdering people in a movie theater. Well, I'm kinda surprised they just didn't pat him on the back and give him his own reality show and a date with Khloe Kardashian.

The breakdown?

Meanwhile I'm sure the SEVEN MILLION DOLLAR figure will be surpassed by "The Joker" in Massachusetts...the trial for that adorable puppy Muslim who blew people up at the Boston Marathon. The one who got the cover of Rolling Stone, and who still gets a bunch of cunts picketing on the sidewalk with "Set Him Free" and "He's Innocent" banners.

There are over 300 MILLION people in the United States now. Offing every fucking killer for whom there are eyewitnesses, and complete fingerprint and forensic proof, would be a damn good idea. Clothing and feeding them is money LOST. And as for trials, there should be a ceiling on the expenses. Especially when the jerk on trial is absolutely guilty.

Don't know what to do with these JOKERS? I'll tell you: behead these fuckers and send the video to ISIS. Add a note: "Now listen to this, you cowardly fucking Muslims, you ain't dealing with pussies. You are one step away from getting your heads shoved up the asses of your camels. This IS a dangerous world, especially for cold-blooded killers." Signed, WELL WISHERS.

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