Friday, February 20, 2015

Fuck Art: Cable Channels "Speed Up" Re-runs to Fit More Commercials

Wanna speed-read this?

This ain't new. You might remember Beatle John musing that somehow, sometimes, he'd hear a Beatles track on the radio, and it sounded too fast. He wondered about that phenomenon, and maybe thought it was caused by all the drugs he took.

No, it was more likely a DJ with a pitch-control turntable playing games so he could fit in more commercials.

So here we are, more "outings."

Will anything happen? No. Have any laws been broken? Don't think so.

When somebody rents shows to run, they aren't under any obligation to show any integrity.

How often have you watched a show, wanted to read the credits, and found them squished down so a photo of a toilet cleaner could be on your screen?

How often have you seen a "crawl" at the bottom of your screen telling you of upcoming programs?

In this capitalist world, "You have to prove DAMAGES." Then you might get some money. And maybe send a message that people should respect copyright and stop fucking around.

It's the same in so many cases. For example, if your neighbor decides to punt your cat into the street and it dies. So?

A cat is considered merely "property." Like a fence. A neighbor breaks your fence, and you manage to prove HE did it, all you get is the money for a replacement fence, with depreciation. You don't even get enough money for a NEW fence.

The cat? Fuck you, you can get a cat at an animal shelter, free. If you can prove that you spent $500 because it was a rare cat from a breeder, you could get, oh, $200. Because the cat depreciated over the years.

This is what fucked the RIAA. People illegally downloading? An asshole judge asked, "So what are your damages?" And a sneaky lawyer defended his client by saying, "She downloaded 100 songs? She owes $100, tops." Meanwhile the RIAA spends $100 a day on the lawyer? More like $500 a day?

So what will we have in the future? Oh, the Four Tops sounding like The Chipmunks. We'll have less suspense in an Alfred Hitchcock movie because they can cut segments out or speed it up. It's ALL good, because mediocre people don't care a damn about "art," and in fact, bitterly resent all artists. Unless they're Van Gogh or Picasso. In other words, DEAD.

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