Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Go Fund Me" for Bunco, Fraud and a Good Time. "Road Rage" ripoff

Is this a surprise?

A "GOFUNDME" campaign to bring money to a poor, sad family has blown up in their faces.

Charitable? You're a sucker. That's the lesson.

You're a sucker for believing your money is going to a good cause or is being used properly.

You're a sucker for being so pathetic you have to give money to feel better about yourself.

At least, most of the time.

And this is one of the MANY times on GOFUNDME, as well as the other popular websites of this type.

This particular story stunk from the moment it was broadcast. "Oooh, road rage, a blonde mommy got shot in the head while teaching her adorable daughter how to drive."

Except the slobby husband instantly told the media that if he'd been there, he would've grabbed his own gun and shot the guy who gunned his wife."

Whoa there, Wild West Billy, what the FUCK are you talking about? Turns out, it's a gun nut family. It turns out that after some minor altercation, this psycho blonde bitch grabbed a gun-totin' son, and the two of them drove out to fuck over the driver they had the beef with.

In other words, they were going to KILL this guy, or shoot out his tires and front window. Something.

Only guess what? These hot-headed cowards had second thoughts when the car they were following turned around and began following THEM. And the blonde bitch had not a thought left in her head, when SHE was the one to get shot. And apparently her brainless son, Clint Eastwood Jr. or American Sniper, couldn't hit a barn and the murderer got away.

"Oh, here we are on GOFUNDME, please everyone, pay some money for poor dead mommy, pay pay pay pay pay pay pay."

Now we here "oh, the family didn't set up the account, "a friend" did." And, "we'll return the money." Over $6,000 was raised and you can be sure, if the facts hadn't come out, that number would've reached a small fortune. It often does, especially in high profile cases like this.

You can really hit the jackpot if you're clever. That's why GOFUNDME and the rest are festering with swine.

Who has the time to verify all the ads? GOFUNDME and the others take the Google and YouTube and Ebay approach: "We are just venues. Our employees are busy sleeping, or eating, or playing video games. We have no way of knowing what's legit or not unless a member of law enforcement or a copyright owner tells us. Nyaaa nyaa."

PS, anywhere that "the friend" set up his GOFUNDME scam, he failed to get "nice comments." So he spent most of his time trying to delete the ones that were threatening his money-making scheme. Like this one:

The good news is that one sobbing Dutchman, calling himself Cal E. Fornia, has pledged to donate "a percentage" of the money he's getting from FreakyShamShare on the "Complete Beach Boys" he's uploaded because he loves music so much, and is charitable, and thinks everyone should get it free (or faster with a premium account).

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