Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Kenya Dig It? NO. Kenya CUT it? YES, if it's TWAT LIPS!

Sometimes, we in the civilized world, find it difficult to consider "people of color" as anything less than animals and barbarians and lunatics.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, my reaction to this story was: "Isn't this the 21st Century you superstition-laden Monkey morons??"

Most people believe that penile circumcision, though a religious ritual, is based on some kind of logic. Even thousands of years ago, it was believed that smegma wasn't edible, and that the foreskin was, along with the appendix, a mistake that evolution would probably erase with time. Modern doctors believe that circumcision prevents a variety of diseases including forms of cancer.

But vaginal circumcision? Where the fuck is THAT in The Bible or Koran? Nowhere. It's something thought up in a country that didn't have writing paper or running water until the white man came along.

The point of carving away the labia? Digging a knife and scooping out the clitoris??

Oh, let's NOT outlaw antiquated, idiotic tribal "laws" and rituals.

Let's tolerate maniacs who, despite astrological science, think Allah sits on a cloud raging about too many white people living in the UK or USA.

As I've said before, even Arab-loving Jimmy Carter gently replied that he could not and would not try and dissuade "ritual circumcision" in the Middle East.

Where is the famous Kenyan, Mr. Obama, on this? Has he ever given a speech declaring female circumcision to be an insane and vicious practice that his own father did not approve of? Or did his father carve away at Mom's white genitalia before he'd fuck her?

While we're at it...let's embrace the fucking ZIKA virus, and not quarantine Brazil, or move the Olympic summer games from that disease-filled psycho-country of rapists and killers and drug addicts and whores.

Oh, the white man's burden.

With their sorrowful puppy eyes, the hungry and the mutilated in these backward countries look to US to intercede on their behalf. Too bad the REST of the people in their countries hate us and don't want us to interfere, and become avenging "terrorists" when they migrate to our countries.

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