Saturday, December 17, 2016

Arabs - Rude to the 'Roos

Did you know that boxing kangaroos still exist? Like bullfighting, the joy of a rigged fight continues to amuse "humans."

Handicap the animal to make it fair. If the animal still manages to win, KILL IT.

An ARAB Farcebook account made sure to post the delightful spectacle of a guy with long arms and protective headgear, punching a kangaroo in its pouch.

The kangaroo's short arms, covered over in "gloves," rarely reached the target, but sometimes the 'roo was able to rush forward, grab the boxer, and start kicking. Any time that happened, the referee made sure to stop the action.

One of the things SOME people don't want to admit, is that ethnic groups differ. Asians are generally smaller, for example, than Africans. Right? Cultural differences and climate differences would account for why Spain relishes bullfighting while Germany only went for Jewish genocide. You generally don't find intelligent white people at a cockfight. A black football player shrugged and thought there was nothing wrong with staging cockfights or dogfights, and couldn't understand why he got a suspension for it.

But let's not be politically incorrect. Aussies? Arabs? Let's just say that anyone who sanctions a fight between a man and a kangaroo has to asshole.

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