Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fag Wenner Calls On the Spin Puppy

Rolling Stone.

Ugh. They had to jump on the fagwagon, offering "The 20 Essential George Michael" songs, with analysis!

Worse, there were several MORE moronic articles on this ridiculous pop fop. Rob Sheffield had to headline a "think piece" by proclaiming: "WHY GEORGE MICHAEL WAS A POP VISIONARY."

Yeah? Wenner put you up to this?

The very title suggests that NOBODY THOUGHT HE WAS ANYTHING MORE THAN A TRENDY FOOL, and that WHAM was as forgettable as The Ohio Express a decade earlier, and Michael's solo work as unimportant as the collected works of Eric Carmen.

Rolling Stone and Creem, Circus and the rest, always had that "I'm your Big Brother, I'll hip you to what you should like" condescending attitude. We're SO unhip, after all. Out of touch. Needing to read THE WORD.

OK, let's see a few chunks of this shit, Rob.

In Rob's case, this young (20-something I think, certainly not too many years over 30) fellow is going to tell us OLD folks, and us prog rock and REAL rock fans, why a glamour-pussy stubble-encrusted 80's $$$ machine is not only still relevant, but VISIONARY.

Sure, start off with a big fat DAMN IT, because, duuuuuude, this is SUCH bad news. Georgy-Girl was, what, STILL charting? STILL making disco fanboys and idiot teen girls tremble in the knees?

Keep going, Robby-baby, I'm still NOT CONVINCED.


Isn't it just pathetic the way "journalists" have to try and make excuses why the drivel THEY grew up with matters?

Christ, even people who grew up in the 60's aren't defending Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell. But maybe that's because there were alternatives, and in the 80's, there was mostly garbage from idiots like Georgy-Girl. You can only imagine how much worse it's gonna get when SERIOUS ROCK JOURNALISTS start writing think-pieces about Hoobastank, Smashmouth and Adele.

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