Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Bill Hoobastank Arranges for a Princess Leia Grave

Is there NO end to the cruelty of 2016?

The Christmas season upsets all the gays with George Michael's death at 53...

...and now the geeks ands sci-fi nerds are mourning Carrie Fisher, dead at 60.

Carrie was an author, an actress, and was married to Paul Simon and the inspiration for some of his songs, but...she was also PRINCESS LEIA.

Bill Hoobastank knew that. He's seen here, in happier days.

Reached for comment, the only noises on Bill's end of the phone were "Brrrrappp....fizzzzzzzz....fubbafubba....wrrrrrthwapppp..."

Yes, ever since he heard the news, it's been one nappy change after another.

There was a sudden flush and a busy signal.

HOWEVER, later, Bill's sister found him in a cemetery preparing what he hopes will be Carrie Fisher's grave.

So far, in lieu of a marker, there's a Princess Leia model set in the ORIGINAL BOX.

Says Bill's sister, "I've tried to get into contact with Debbie Reynolds, but I guess she isn't a D-lister. She's not on FARCEBOOK. So sad, because we'd all like to have seen her Christmas tree, and have her answer questions like, "What perfume were you wearing in this photo taken 50 years ago," and "Can money be donated to an AIDS charity in your name?"

And, like any sensitive star-gazer, Bill and his sister are still stunned and full of questions. Bill's sister: "Oh yes, so many unanswered questions. She had a heart attack, was in a hospital and THEN she died? Did she regain consciousness and say anything about her upcoming completed role in "Star Wars: Episode VIII?" Did she look back and wonder if she should've married Dan Aykroyd, and if her affair with Harrison Ford could've lasted longer? We will NEVER KNOW THE ANSWERS!"

So far, it seems doubtful that Bill's generous offer of a plot in a New Jersey cemetery near his home, will be accepted.

"It means that if she's buried in California," says Bill's sister, "we'll have to arrange a trip out there so he can photograph the tombstone and stand next to it. Oh, he has lots of time, and with his pension and all, he can afford the fare. But if she was buried nearby, that would be SO much better. It could be the start of a whole lot of celebrity cemetery plots he could "adopt." He'd keep the plants fresh, and the bushes, because he's got nappies full of fertilizer he can spread on the ground!"

As they are saying all over Twitter: R.I.P. Princess Leia.

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