Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Miserable Muzzie Shares an Instagram

The world mourns these peculiar Arab fags. What part of the anal world was fake-named Freddie Mercury from? And yeah, "George Michael?"

Notice, neither of them, in their lifetime, seemed to want to acknowledge their dark and disturbing roots as members of vicious ethnic groups. Nope. They were very happy (make that GAY) to pretend they were British through and through. Born in the UK. With faked up Anglo names.

They both styled themselves to look the exact opposite of the average goat-fucker.

Georgy-Girl's "partner," who has a name only Princess Diana could love, has been mincing all over social media. He's been doing interviews with everyone and of course, doing INSTAGRAM. Why? To let the world know who is going to get all those WHAM bucks, and to also put out the "available" sign. Here's another rich Muzzie, guyyyyssss. Just be pretty and pretty soon, you could be fucked till the hummus plops out of yer anus.

Mr. Fuckwad has alerted the world that as much of a slut as Georgy-Girl was, he was IN a RELATIONSHIP. So let's not have the same situation as with Prince. Hey everyone, all future estate earnings and royalties to to Mr. Fuckwad!

You know what was the worst part of this story?

That in checking it out, a fucking VIDEO instantly opened up.


You click to see an article, and the first thing you see if a VIDEO.

Is it because nobody is literate? "Oh, we can't expect people to READ articles anymore. No attention span for THAT. Here's what we do. We have a fucking VIDEO play. That way, the idiots will stay on the page longer, to stare at it, or try to get it to STOP.

The story is on Georgy-Girl's PARTNER, and yet there's some fucking concert footage I have to be distracted by?

I've also noticed that even if the website is NOT an actual part of a TV network (like CNN or BBC), there will STILL be some fucking fake news broadcast popping up. Some newspapers are actually aping being news networks. They get some jerk from the mailroom to narrate some stock footage, or a set of pictures, and we're all supposed to sit and watch. Hey, if I wanted to watch TV, I'd watch TV.

The only worse news of the day, besides the tripe about THIS idiot, or Carrie Fisher, is the unfortunate tragedy in New York City. "Eat Like a" Horst is in town.

This is toxic pollution. This is almost terrorism. And yes, WHAT THE FUCK is with this Nazi? Every day more and more SCHLEISSE arrives in the mail that he unboxes and squints at, and somehow he has the money to come to New York City? WHO the fuck would pay a fat ugly monster like this to do ANYTHING? Or is he a hit man? Maybe he's going to blow something up.

He ain't stayin' anywhere too fancy, is he? NOPE. Most any tourist stays in a hotel that's within walking distance of the attractions. There are plenty of hotels in the 40's and 50's. There are also tons of hotels that opened further downtown to fleece tourists who want to see the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center. From there, it's a quick bus or train to midtown and the theaters and shopping shit.

But "Eat Like a" Horst breathlessly (he IS fat) shows us his shitty hostel-like room up on 103rd Street. Harlem is more within walking distance! In fact, walk just 10 blocks uptown, and you could get your fat German ass kicked. Walk 20 blocks downtown, and and you still haven't seen anything worth seeing. Another few blocks before you get to the Museum of Natural History, and another five to reach The Dakota. Meanwhile his idiot is whirling his cellphone camera around so you can see that his room has a toilet.

He posts a moronic video of what it looks like in Times Square if you're on uppers?

He set up a tripod and even brought along some fucking program so he could add AWFUL MUSIC.

Seems like this guy does everything ALONE. He didn't have anyone come with him? He didn't even set up the tripod and waddle in front of the camera to prove he was actually in New York City?

Who the FUCK wants to see idiots flitting back and forth at triple speed? Especially when NONE of them is doing anything interesting?? He picked a boring place where boring people were just hurrying to get to someplace interesting.

Christ, that fat load is going to be in Times Square to watch the ball drop? Too bad it won't land on him.

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