Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Pamela Taylor, ugly obese albino gorilla - out of work.

Fat dumb Pamela Taylor had some easy job in Redneck Crackerville, West Virginia.

She was "Executive Director of the Clay County Development Corporation," whatever THAT is. Seems like some government-funded bullshit, doesn't it, given out of favoritism, bribes or inbred nepotism.

She sure had plenty of time to sit on her ugly fat ass and post to the Internet.

Incredibly, she expressed delight that Michelle Obama, the "ape in heels," would stop blackening the White House.

She actually called her successor, Melania Trump the nude-model and tacky marry-somebody-rich immigrant, "classy" and..."dignified."

Michelle Obama, who avoided all scandal in her eight years, and advocated for health and nutrition (two things fat Pam knows nothing about) was both "classy" and "dignified."

You think that Donald Trump inspired this?

There's been much more overt racism since he was "elected" by the electoral college, having lost the popular vote by over three million.

Dumb obese gorillas like Pamela Taylor have been rubbing their paws together, smirking their tea-bagger toothless smirks and chuckling their alt-right fart-like chuckles. Ha ha, NOW the immigrants will go. NOW nobody will be allowed an abortion. NOW the Jews and the Blacks and the gays will run for their lives.

An idiot in Taylor's office supported fat Pam's obnoxious comment and...well, gahhhh-leeeee...she had to resign. Bye bye, bitch.

Freedom of speech is a fine thing, but it does indicate when somebody JUST MIGHT be a redneck. A racist. A fool. Think somebody who considers Michelle Obama "a ape" is going to look kindly on any well-dressed and intelligent black woman coming into the office? That's why she wasn't suspended, but CANNED, like the ugly fat pig-faced ham she is.

Over here at the most tasteful blog in the world, the thinking is that stereotyping isn't all bad. Making fun of the cheap Jew or Dutchman or Scotchman no doubt made members of those groups think twice about living up to the stereotype. Making fun of an immigrant's speech (ala Chico Marx) no doubt shamed people into learning to assimilate and speak properly. Comic remarks don't necessarily mean "racist." Jolson was in blackface but he had tremendous sympathy for "Old Black Joe," and you can bet he and other blackface comics (George Jessel comes to mind) stood up for any "Negro" being treated unfairly.

Sex jokes could be considered anti-female. Racial jokes can often be very mean. BUT...they ARE jokes. The intent is to let off steam, and to address a certain frustration or anger in as healthy a way as possible. Taylor was not joking.

What we have here is just a witless, nasty remark, and it comes from somebody who should look in the mirror to see what "a ape" actually looks like.

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