Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Year Ends with SHIT NEWS - The Truth About Shit House Horst

Indeed, the tub of lard we dubbed "Eatin' Like a Horse" is "enjoying" NYC.

But only the way any dull techie drone could enjoy it. Not by having sex. Not by being with a fellow traveler. Just by riding a fucking escalator or an elevator. Just by taking a video of other people walking around in Times Square.

He came to NYC alone. It's not because he's a curmudgeon or a loner, he's just a LOSER. Nazi-land to America, that's a LONG way to go by yourself. Don't you even pair up for safety's sake? Find SOMEBODY to share a room with and reduce expenses?

Nobody wants anything to do with him.

The fact that this squinty piece of shit had to bunk up in a pathetic HOSTEL by himself uptown speaks for itself. Nobody wants anything to do with him and he probably pestered quite a few of his kraut pals.

Now he's posted another ludicrous and boring souvenir of how he wastes his useless life...

As we hope that 2017 gives us better things to do, we end THIS year by exposing this dimwit for WHO HE REALLY IS.

Yah, MR. LANGE, you're just another nobody with a website and a mediocre resume.

Despite always dressing up with a fucking bowtie, you're still one ugly pig, and it's doubtful you could say or do ANYTHING that 100 dozen other techies couldn't do better. You're obviously just scraping along, keeping up the idiotic GooTube "unwrapping" nonsense, thinking you'll impress a company into giving you freebies, or, JESUS CHRIST, hiring you to be a consumer affairs reporter for a TV station.

The conceit of this guy, given his unappetizing blobby body, his creepy face and his demented squint, makes him even more ridiculous than Shauna or Saskia. THEY aren't 48. HE is still trying to impress people with a bland website, dopey GOOTUBE postings, and all the rest of the amateur bullshit.

Like Shauna especially, he puts his name on every free NETWORKING site there is. SHIT NEWS is just that. It's no big honor to be there. PS, that photo he uses is NOT exactly how he looks these days, is it?

LASTLY, a few translations from his various attempts at making himself seem worth hiring.

Nope, you won't find anything if you Google him as HORST. But, ick, ick, ewwww, ha ha ho ho hee hee, there's plenty to cringe OR laugh about when you type in his actual business name, and see his idiotic blog ("website" he wants to call it?) which is just as stupid as his fucking GOOTUBE channel. As you can tell, FATBOY is not only a jerk about techie trinkets, and unwrapping garbage, he's always haunting restaurants and food stores and would only wish he could make a living reviewing eateries. Maybe he'll get a chance to write about an abbatoir, and do a follow-up piece from the pig's point of view.

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