Monday, December 26, 2016

Shauna's Pube Color Cunt Conundrum!

Hello, Roland the Schoolmarm here.

You know how PUSHY I am. I asked to take over a blog post here. Who knows, one day I'll take over the whole blog!

I've got a contest, and it runs for a week, and the full PDF download of the RULES can be found HERE, HERE and HERE.

You know Shauna LOVES to shave her TWAT at least twice a day, if not four or five times.

But if she could manage to stop creaming her TWAT with Taylor (Swift) of Old Bond Street, and shaving all the time, WHAT COLOR WOULD HER PUBES BE?

A lot of blonde bitches actually have BLACK pubes! Here's a picture of my niece.

I closed my eyes when I took the picture.

My idea of a woman is Winnie Whitehorn. But really, for the past decade, my main passion has been to hang around Barry Grooker, and get items of his clothes (which I actually don't sell on eBay but keep for myself!)

Oh, but let me try and NOT mention the stalwart Commander for a minute, or create a risible runcible and retarded recitation, and get back to my generous lagniappe.

Yes, there IS a prize if you go HERE, HERE and HERE, and pick out the clues for seven days, fill out the forms in triplicate, and use the precise fonts, ink and grammar that I request. Or rather, DEMAND.

The prize will be a stray pube from Shauna, which is VERY rare indeed. And then you and ONLY you, will know the answer to WHAT COLOR HER CUNT HAIR is. You will be sworn to secrecy, on the threat of being taken off my mailing list of Beyond the Piss updates!

Just to CUNTFUSE you, here's the niece of Geoff Dung, showing her light diarhhea-type hair color:

Oh, but I could bloviate all day, and tease you with other possibilities!

Are you seeing red, yet? Well, why not? There's a Ginger in Bristol named Saskia...

Oh, I could go on and on. When it comes to CUNTS, nobody can beat me. I know, you wish somebody would!

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