Wednesday, December 21, 2016


What, a rival to Knickerless Pain? To Basket Case?

Not quite. But at one time the delusional Mr. Demmons did set up his blurry camcorder, haul out his African appendage microphone, and emit a carbolic and grunty imitation of Don Henley. Sounds like the man drank a bit too much urine at Pleasuredome early in the evening. Fortunately, he seems to have retired from being a public nuisance, and merely left this gurgling GooTube effort up for pissterity.

WHY try to mimic Henley? This is a tribute? Or the vicarious thrill of looking stupid on GooTube and getting a scorching comment? Yes, dim Demmons got a put-down from a viewer so irate, the comment degenerated into incoherence. But you get the idea. He meant to say that amateur COVER VERSIONS should be banned, and NEVER allowed to be broadcast anywhere, even GooTube.

Demmer's ratio of likes to dislikes is piss poor.

No wonder. Did he get Knickerless Pain to come in and breathe on the camcorder lens? Was the idea to soften Gerry's gruesome features?

Another reason to show disgust HERE, is that MICROPHONE. Come on Gerry, you had fantasies about sucking big black cock. Your problem was you couldn't find one, because no black man on the planet likes Don Henley music.

The Henley original had a blistering band helping to make the song interesting. It does NOT work with just one frog-handed fool strumming a guitar.

Speaking of Henley, an irony here is that while Gerry hasn't broken 3,000 views in SEVEN YEARS, the "authorized" version posted by the ubiquitous TOPIC company, has only gotten 9,000 views in the past TWO YEARS, which is a feeble amount for a rock star.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, both these guys have kind of naggy, annoying voices. Henley sounds like he's singing from inside Stephen Stills' nasal cavity. Or anal cavity. Some people like raspiness (Bryan Adams or Rod Stewart or the National Express bus wheezing its rusty brakes on a run from Grimsby to Kingston-Upon-Hull). It's STILL not a pleasant voice that you can tolerate on a regular basis.

On the bright side, Demmons ceased his emissions SEVEN years ago. That should be a lesson to every Shauna or Basket Case: if at first you don't succeed, FUCK OFF. These days his beard is gray, and he's preoccupied with a brat and a Farcebook account, and maybe even has a wife who isn't a sister or cousin. He's living in Lazy Rebel territory, and that's purgatory enough.

Demmons may have stopped infecting GooTube with his emissions, but DEMONS remain, and every day more and more horrible cover versions are being posted, tricking the naive into viewing 'em. Then come the emissions of puke, and the wary realization that for health reasons, it's not a good idea to take a chance viewing obscure amateurs doing covers on GooTube.

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