Monday, December 26, 2016

Holy Shit! In Santa Monica?

Well, THAT's going to make somebody cough up the kosher granola.

A synagogue in Santa Monica, of all places, got vandalized by some irritable bowel with nothing better to do on a Saturday night.

Typical reaction from the rebbe: "This seems kind of intentional."

You can imagine what a Muzzie would've said. Something involving decapitation, and revenge.

This is just a little wake-up-and-smell-the-feces moment, to remind people in a VERY affluent community that there is, as Randy "I Love L.A." Newman titled an album, "Trouble in Paradise."

Santa Monica is very clean, white and affluent. A certain old TV star who loves gays and posing like The Widow Death, lives there. Stan Laurel, Noel Neill and Phyllis Diller lived there and dozens and dozens more. Santa Monica is loaded with fancy homes, and has a very chic mall, and a lovely beach. A bicycle ride for just a mile or two, and you're in the Brentwood area where the certain old TV star greets her gay friends, and where tourists try to get a glimpse at the house where O.J. murdered Nicole.

Oh, it's possible some lunatic from Barstow or Lompac drove over to Santa Monica, or it could've been an angry Mexican gardener (RICE and feces) upset that a few of his Jewish customers insisted he come over and make a din with his leafblower on Christmas day. Who knows. And, actually, who cares? Feh. Oy. So what. "This seems kind of intentional." So the rebbe will have some CCTV cameras installed to get a nice blurry picture of somebody in a ski-mask.

Maybe it was SANTA himself, annoyed that there's a synagogue in SANTA Monica. Meanwhile there are synagogues in all kinds of changing neighborhoods, or hostile territories, and living with fear or the possibility of a bomb blast is just part of daily life.

Scapegoating leads to acts of antisemitism even in a genteel (if not gentile) location. From the ravings of Roger Waters or the certain old TV star who was on Farcebook praising the Palesteeeeenians...people will still buy into the idea that Jews own everything, that Arabs would all be nice and peaceful if there were no Jews, and that the world is better off without a lot of very good accountants and doctors and teachers. Jews tend to be peaceful, educated, and don't insist you should convert OR ELSE. But, people hate Jews anyway. Just a reminder from Santa Monica.

"Look at those houses. Look at those trees. Look at that bum, man, he's down on his knees...look at that shit smeared on a synagogue...I LOVE L.A."

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