Saturday, December 24, 2016



That's SAINT.

OK everybody, stop singing those fucking "Here Comes Santa Claus" songs in ENGLISH.

In fact, sing nothing but "FELIZ NAVIDAD."


Yes, if you're in ANY city in the U.S. and you make the mistake of going into even a secular fucking supermarket or drug store, you'll not only hear annoying Christmas music, but, guaranteed, what seems like 10 replays of "FELIZ NAVIDAD."

Basically, the song has no lyrics EXCEPT "FELIZ NAVIDAD."

Trump's election was one last HAIL MARY (make that MARIA) pass by the dwindling white majority to say "America shouldn't be taken over by arrogant, insane immigrants and it shouldn't be BILINGUAL."

Well, too bad, Gringos, because Trump can't order Latinos to use birth control, and can't send 'em all back to Mexico, Puerto Rico or South America. There will be more Taco Bell and Chipotle stores opening up, and more proud LATINO versions of SANTA on display.

Ay, Popi, THAT is SANTA.

For a while, Blacks, always looking for something to sulk and whine about, declared that Santa is BLACK. In predominantly black areas, a BLACK MAN should dress up as Santa. Never mind all the magazine and TV ads showing a WHITE guy, based on a tradition that goes back to "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and the infamous Thomas Nast illustration.

Technically, a white gift-giving figure coupled with the Love of Jesus, has appeared in various countries. England of course has "Father Christmas," and the obscure, ham-faced music-stealing Scandanavian countries, as well as the overstuffed Dutch and Germans, have some Knight on a White Horst, too. What the fuck is wrong with celebrating something that has to do with somebody else's ethnicity? We LIKE going into Chinese restaurants and seeing Chinese waiters.

Americans, for over a hundred years, were taught that Santa is a white guy who lives AT THE NORTH POLE. The North Pole is not noted for its population of Blacks. There was no cotton picking or slavery in Alaska. But Blacks wanted to insist that Santa had to be BLACK. When this insanity didn't quite catch on, they invented Kwanzaa. Right, the people who insist they want to be like everybody else, had to be different.

Now, it's "FELIZ NAVIDAD," and Santa has to wear a fucking sombrero, or GREEN and RED, and be a garish fucking idiot. Oh, and don't forgete the fucking PINATA. Let's not say that Latinos are a violent people, but WHY the FUCK do they put toys, presents and candy inside a PINATA and BEAT IT WITH A STICK UNTIL IT BREAKS AND DISGORGES THE GOODIES?

It sort of teaches kids that if they want something from people, just BEAT IT out of them.

Meanwhile the Muzzies decided to start screaming that there either shouldn't be Christmas displays, or everyone should bow down to some Ramadan-type religious observance that MUSLIMS care about.

It all comes under the heading of "Anything to make December WORSE."

For most people, in America at least, the most joyful day of the year is December 26th. That's when they can say, "Glad THAT's over with."

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