Tuesday, February 3, 2015

PROUD OF DICKLESS-ness and "FIGHTING" while in a Coma

For every bullshit, Spin, Spin...

For every asshole, Spin, Spin...

Pete Seeger, we wish you were still around to re-write that song and reflect our age of celebrity entitlement and the way the media embraces insanity.

Why deny the obviously insane, child?

Shitney Houston's talentless and ugly daughter was involved with drug-dealing white trash. Notice the photo and then notice the key phrase about her current condition.

Got the admirable cliche quote? She's "FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE."

What image does that suggest? It suggests a drug-addled ignorant dummy in a coma.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, no matter how much you might feel for the spawn of a "beloved" but also ignorant, self-indulgent and very stupid woman, she did it to herself. She was not doing anything useful with her life and didn't have the sense to hang with a better class of people besides drug dealers and Bobby Brown.

It does little to suggest she's a "fighter." No, she apparently took a bunch of drugs and overdosed, intentionally or not. How romantic, being found naked in a bathtub. Hopefully her body wasn't as unpleasant to look at as her face.

Cute? No.

Again, IF I'M BEING HONEST, what is more offensive than her face is this whole media circus of putting a girl of limited intelligence and skills into a position where she can't do much except die. It doesn't help that her father's an asshole and most of those around her are shits. Will we learn anything from this? Like to leave some dead star's family alone? No.

Will we learn anything when a headline is about a comatose woman "fighting" for her life? How is she "fighting?" The doctors are doing the fighting, not her. She's out of it. We can't accept death any more than people can accept responsibility for their own actions. When she dies she will have "passed over." Cue the big funeral with the sad-faced useless mourners who were "proud" to have known her, without helping her.

Meanwhile, Kevin Costner should be PROUD of himself? This one-time leading man, who aged into a bore, and who wasn't really so magnetic even when he was young, has hitched himself to this crisis:

He's the flaming meteor of MEDIA WHORE.

I don't know this asshole but I think I can say: HOW DARE HE? It's pretty obvious he's just putting his two cents in, because he has a movie in theaters at the moment. It's about, guess what, a black girl. It's about race.

He might as well have said, "I don't know what the family is going through, but I'm in a movie about having a black daughter, and it's playing RIGHT NOW..."

I'm sure he's PROUD of lending his celebrity status to this pointless vigil on a brain-damaged D-lister. As long as a few brain-damaged idiots go see his film.

Even more ridiculous is the "pride" shown by Bruce Jenner's wrinkly old mama. In the past, from what little I bothered to read, she seemed like a down-to-earth old crone, and she even told Bruce that his long hair was absurd. Now that he's transitioning into a woman and going through all the expense and hormonal upheaval and danger and pain of getting his dick cut off and replaced with a numb hole?

"I couldn't be more proud of him."

Is that the cliche of all time? Why is it that no matter what some idiot does, there's a relative to declare, "I couldn't be MORE PROUD."

Remember the grim realist in the film version of "Gunga Din." Yeah, he was the murderous leader of the killing Kali cult, but at least he had enough sense to mock "the sin of false pride."

There isn't much that is as repugnant as "the sin of false pride." People march in "Gay Pride" parades. They march in moronic ethnic parades on "Puerto Rican Day" and "St. Patrick's Day" and "Israel Day" and all the rest of it, and all they do is show that they are clueless, egotistical, and utterly moronic. Because underneath all this bullshit "pride" is the notion of superiority. And what are they proud of? Something that requires no talent at all. You're born a Mick, a spic or a cocksucker (apparently). What's to be proud of?

You might as well walk around with a button saying "I'm Proud to Drink Ribena." How about a t-shirt, "I'm Proud to Have A Bowel Movement Every Day." Or a hat: "Proud Owner of Two Nipples."

This fucking (soon to be non-fucking) Bruce Jenner was an Olympic champion, which actually took a lot of work and dedication. Lots of athletes have talent, but Jenner's mama had legit reason to be PROUD of him for being the absolute best in the world and an Olympic Gold Medal Winner. That's a unique achievement.

Fer Chrissake, any guy can get his dick cut off. There's no shortage of sorry, ugly, ridiculous aging men who have become sorrier, uglier, even more ridiculous aging women. There's also no shortage of younger people of both sexes, who at least have some vague sex appeal. But none of this is a reason to be proud.

John Gunther wrote a book called 'Death Be Not Proud.' No doubt if Bruce has a heart attack and Mama Jenner has to be at Bruce's funeral, she'll insist "I'm proud of how dead my son is."

Because, uh, he "put up a good fight. He was fighting for his life!"

Yes, too bad that after his sex change he slipped on his own wet scrotum, and it triggered a heart attack.

Proud of being rich, stubborn, crazy, and going in for a sex-change? What else, Mama Jenner? You'd be proud to have Bruce's pickled prick in a jar on your whatnot shelf?

At least the horrible Kris Jenner, isn't saying SHE is proud of her idiot ex. But who knows, she might hold a press conference and say, "I'm proud of MYSELF, for driving that pussywhipped idiot out of his fucking mind! At least, folks, he won't be fathering any more dimwits!"

No, I'm not proud of this article. But pride is not needed where there's truth.

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