Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Annoying Jimmy Fallon or Faggy James Corden? Wonderful Christmastime - NOT

Everyone's always burbling any time fat effeminate James Corden plays "CAR KARAOKE," getting giddy by dragging a star next to him and singing. He's like Huelbig drooling over standing next to Billy Mumy for $20. We're ALL supposed to enjoy Corden's vicarious thrill of swingin' with a star.

In comes Puppy Jimmy Fallon, who does things every week to keep himself THE KING OF ASS-KISSING. With rumors swirling that Corden would be moved opposite him, Jimmy upped the ante with...YOU COULD NOT HAVE GUESSED IT...a trifecta of CUTE.

Yes, he used that awful "Brady Bunch" gimmick of showing 9 stars in 9 squares. Yes, he had them SING A CAPPELLA. (Or A LA JOHNNY, as we say around here). was to MACCA's fucking WONDERFUL CHRISTMASTIME.

As expected, the quivering MEDIA couldn't wait to tell everyone about this WONDERFUL moment in television history, which Fallon's shills already put on GooTube. Hey everyone, THIS WILL WARM YOUR HEARTS! It's a bunch of celebrities you mostly never heard of, all preening for the camera. And...yes...MACCA himself was one of them.

No, he's not in the picture above. I couldn't STAND this long enough for HIM to show up. "Celebrities" are so fucking desperate to keep their stupid faces in front of the public, that Fallon had more than 9 of 'em, so he had to rotate them along. The bunch you see above are ALL such HUGE stars. Who wouldn't be KNOCKED OUT by this WICKED SICK moment in TV history?????

Your turn, Corden. How about dressing up like Santa and blowing the fag from "Big Bang Theory?"

ENGLAND: you think your lives are horrible because you've got Jonathan Woss and Graham Know-nothing? FALLON and CORDEN over here.

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