Wednesday, December 7, 2016


If it involves ASSHOLES it usually involves FLORIDA.

Whether it's a bum on meth eating somebody's face, or some abominable sex crime, or idiot twats on eBay selling their reeking underwear, or just stupid rednecks being violent...odds are the word FLORIDA will be in there. 

Today's incredible insanity involves some middle-aged bitch named Lucy Richards, who was arrested for sending death a parent who lost a child in the infamous school shooting case in Connecticut. 

She's a "TRUTHER." This is different from the Trump Truthers who insisted Obama was born in Kenya and not in Hawaii. This is different from the Truthers who are Tea Party maniacs and insist every word of The Bible is TRUE, and Noah built an ark and women came from Adam's rib.    

She's part of the "TRUTHER" bunch who insist the Sandy Hook shootings never happened. Oh no, there wasn't an autistic loser who grabbed mommy's guns, shot mommy, and went on a school rampage. No, no, the MEDIA made up the story. Why? Because they're evil. The conspiracy involves digging graves that have no children in them. Heck fire, there was never a Sandy Hook school at all, and the pictures of the children and the teachers are all part of a hoax designed

That's the thing with maniacs and fanatics. Logic doesn't make sense to them. Ask them for proof and they scream "I BELIEVE! THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH!" These people are among us, walking the earth and VOTING. 

Yes, these pathetic in-bred redneck Southern shits not only helped elect Trump, but they continue to fuck their relatives, take insane drugs, yammer their conspiracy theories, strut their self-righteous bullshit, and embarrass America. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, lazy rebel South Carolina, Virginia, and plenty more...full of MORONS. 

These are the functional illiterates. These are people JUST smart enough to sit on a toilet without falling in. It's just that every now and then they're caught burning a cross, or pulling out an assault rifle on behalf of an imaginary friend. 

One of the biggest problems is that simian-like people DON'T LISTEN. Whether it's radical Muslims or rednecks in Florida, you can NOT reason with them. NOT AT ALL. 

It's been said that part of the grief process is denial. "What? NO, he's dead? I don't believe it!" But I don't think that denying the Holocaust, or denying the Sandy Hook shootings or the World Trade Tower going down have anything to do with grief. It has everything to do with STUPID. Especially STUPID, SOUTHERN STYLE. Kentucky Fried Stupid. Alabama Asshole Stupid. And most of all... Florida Fucked-up Twat-Brained Idiotic Stupid. 

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