Thursday, December 22, 2016

Music? Oy, Farcebook Non-Friend, Go Quote a Pretentious, Grandiose Rabbi

What do I NOT LIKE?

Pests who decide that EVERYBODY has to read their babbling bullshit.

When someone NORMAL posts something to their FARCEBOOK page, that's enough. They know that their "friends" have the option of seeing everything posted, and are glad to read what's on this person's mind. Right?

Brucie here, not only posts some drivel he thinks is profound, he cuts and pastes the names of 48 of his friends, so that his post automatically shows up on THEIR pages.

Which means that people who happen to be friends of one of his friends...have to suffer, too.

At least once. Then they BLOCK the BLOCKHEAD.

The quote he couldn't keep to himself, and had to deliberately spit onto 48 other Farcebook pages...

is a ridiculous statement from a rabbi that "great music" has to be a SHATTERING EXPERIENCE.


Holy shit, just because a man of the cloth says something, it aint the WORD OF THE LORD. It's not written in STONE. And it may just be RIDICULOUS.

Some of Brucie's idiot friends are as sappy as HE is, and leave awestruck comments. They LIKE reading twaddle.

Note, one of the idiots never heard of Brucie before but, having been forced to see this because of a friend who friends him, gasps, "glad to make your aquaintance." Yes, an illiterate who can't spell acquaintance.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, or IF I'M BEING JEWISH, not even all the great music sung in the synagogue Friday night or Saturday morning is SHATTERING.

As for the great music in the secular world, JESUS CHRIST, can't you enjoy something without being doubled over in shock and awe??

"She Loves You" by the Beatles is great music. Does it make you feel SHATTERED? How many times have you said, "That's a great song," without falling to pieces?

Even great songs that are very emotional, such as "Yesterday" or "Bridge Over Troubled Water" don't leave you SHATTERED.

I really liked the former Captain Kirk's recitation "Has Been," but it merely left me SHATNERED, and that's not the same thing.

You can just imagine this Rabbi and his blissfully lame followers clasping their hands and PLOTZING over...oh, "Sunrise Sunset" from "Fiddler on the Roof." An entire Barbra Streisand album. The theme from "Schindler's List" composed by John Williams, who isn't Jewish. They yammer at each other, "Oy wuz SOW MOOOOVED, oy hadda go to da baitrum. Oy wuz verklempt! Oy have to kvell about this! It made me PLOTZ. Oy was, how wudda rabbi put it...SHATTID"

What a rapturously retarded statement from the Rebbe. (Not the Reba. Reba McIntire's great music wouldn't qualify. Or Patsy Cline. Or Dolly Parton.) Who the fuck listens to music and feels an "aspect of reality to which the mind can never relate?" Drugged up morons, that's who!

Assholes who like Roger Waters' "The Wall," will leave the venue crying, "I'm blown away, duuuuuude."

A lot of very bad progrock can be a "shattering experience," but does that make it great?

There are people who weep when they hear Bobby Goldsboro singing "Honey." What's so great about THAT?"

It's possible to listen to truly great music by Beethoven (or, Mendelssohn, if you want to get JEWISH about it) and not end up being carried out on a stretcher. "Oy oy oy, my soul was thrown, and not only that, I wrenched my back! I'm gonna sue the New York Philharmonic!"

Lastly, let's mention the greatest Jewish composer alive. Bob Dylan. As great as "Blowing in the Wind" is, would you call it a "shattering experience?" Moving, perhaps. Eloquent, perhaps. Shattering? Not so much. Do you listen to it and find "reality" altered? Do you find your mind unable to cope with it? "Jesus," (oops), "that song shattered me, it sent my soul blowing in the wind, and my mind can't deal with the reality of it!"

Rabbi, I once had a GREAT 78 rpm record of Vesta Victoria singing "Waiting at the Church." Know how I know it was a GREAT record?

I dropped it, and it was a SHATTERING experience.

I could never relate to it adequately again. I just swept it up and tossed it in the trash. Along with several pages of your drivel.

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