Thursday, December 29, 2016

FUR Chrissake - Cowardly Judges Corrupt In Coddling the Fur Industry

You know what a privileged college kid got for raping a drunk girl behind a dumpster?

A shrugging "Boys will be Boys" from his Daddy, and a mere 60 day sentence from the admiring judge. After all, the girl wasn't even awake when she was fucked, so what are her damages?

All over the country, all over the world, people are raped, punched, kicked, even killed, and they serve NO time at all. The insane Durst, who was on the run from charges he killed his wife, murdered his next door neighbor in some sleazy Texas town he was hiding in. He CUT UP THE BODY. He insisted, based on no witnesses or evidence, that the old neighbor had threatened him and he acted in self-defense. He was acquitted.


Two years in jail. $500,000 in "restitution." Let that be a lesson! How DARE you be activists! Let's clamp down on ACTIVISTS! Especially ones that symbolically free animals and stand up for animal rights.

Got that? BURNS the judge didn't think sentencing a woman to SIX MONTHS in jail was enough. No no, not for what she did to the poor poor FUR store, and a bunch of assholes raising minks. He rejected the plea. Make that woman sit in the slammer for TWO FUCKING YEARS.

The woman is a "terrorist" against an "INDUSTRY." As opposed to being a terrorist against people, a rioter looting an electronics store, a bunch of gays stopping traffic all day to screech "we're here and we're here."

In response to organizations such as PETA, and individuals who are ONLY doing with the NIGGERS do, what the MUZZIES do, what them damn KIKES and FAGS do...a law was passed specifically to protect the useless FUR INDUSTRY.

Let's mention THERE IS NO REASON TO WEAR FUR. NONE. Synthetic coats are warmer. It's all about VANITY.

Ironic, isn't it, that if you iz a Nigga, and you riot and destroy a store entirely, you get no jail, pay no restitution, and everyone shrugs and says "oh well, the store was insured."

If you're a fag, you can scream "we're here and we're QUEEEEEEEER" and throw a hissy fit and break windows and disrupt a business, and at best you get a charge of "disorderly conduct," which usually doesn't even include a fine or a day in jail. There was a "Gay Pride" protest in NYC last year that did more than hurt one jerk's fur store. The stoppage of traffic all day impacted on messengers, on transit, on tourists getting did untold MILLIONS in damages but nobody was arrested or fine.

But ANIMAL RIGHTS? Ho ho ha ha hee hee, YOU sensitive souls, YOU have nobody to stand up for you. YOU are made an example of. "Don't you DARE spray paint a store, or let some animals loose..."

The Black Panthers are now lauded as a bunch of legendary humanitarians. They walked around with machine guns. They did a lot of damage. But the excuse is they had to get violent. Riots, civil disobedience, even acts of terrorism are tolerated and even cheered, IF the targets don't happen to be affluent fur merchants.

We see all the time, that the best way to be taken seriously is to get SERIOUSLY VIOLENT, and if needed, take the law into your own hands. Then you get your way. The Blacks knew it. The Gays knew it. They were admired for it.

Animal Rights groups that advocate for humane treatment of poultry, clean conditions for animals, and an end to the ridiculous fur trade? These groups are made up mainly of sensitive white people, and they can easily be pushed into a jail cell. Some woman with a spray can? SHE can be taken down. She lifts a latch and lets some minks escape? SHE can be treated like a rioter. Actual rioters? You see the cops stand by and let the abuse happen, because the rioters are members of some dangerous minority group.

Just how far do laws PROTECTING the fur industry go? Far enough to also protect the big farm industries that pollute the land. I'm talking about PIG SHIT in the rivers, for example. Far enough to protect unscrupulous raisers of chicken and cattle who are not only cruel and vicious to the animals, but create unsanitary environments were "downed" cattle are pushed to slaughter even if they are defective, and diseased chickens are brought to market leaving hundreds of people sick enough to need treatment.

Thanks to laws to discourage ANIMAL RIGHTS protests, whistleblowers can be arrested and sent off to jail for years and years, and bankrupted by fines, for "trespassing" and taking pictures of dangerous conditions on farms.

Yes, America, which was founded on protest and free speech, has enacted laws specifically aimed at preventing whistleblowers from even PHOTOGRAPHING dangerous and cruel conditions. Walk onto the property of some redneck pig farmer, and snap some photos of how he treats his animals, and you could be bankrupted and stuck in a prison cell.

OK, we don't want to condone vandalism, or trespassing, but why are the sentences so much more severe than those for rape, assault or even murder? That's the fur industry and the food industry paying off politicians.

America was founded on revolt. The Founding Fathers literally went violent rather than remain under British rule. They were technically breaking the law. They were rebels with a cause. Now? Now it's "shut up, pay fines and/or go to jail," if your cause happens to be animal rights.

If you kill a human, you can claim self defense and get away with it. Rape a woman and you can claim she consented. Plenty of wiggle room, but not for animals kept penned up in their own shit, loaded up with drugs, killed in the cruelest ways possible, and in the case of the fur industry, being abused out of pointless greed and vanity.

Hey Fat Amy, wanna start a GoFundMe campaign to help out these two activists? Nah, fat lady, you're too busy chomping a hamburger, parading around in a fur coat, and giving Kickstarter money to makers of novelty toys and games.

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