Wednesday, June 25, 2014


You know what AEREO reminded me of?

All the little criminals with their sticky fingers in the cookie jar...the ones who smile and say "But Mum, I was just counting them..." or "I was just going to take ONE..." or "I'm entitled because I'm a GOOD BOY..."

AEREO had the idea that they could set up a network, steal TV signals, and then CHARGE PEOPLE FOR THEM without paying the copyright owners.

You know, the Rapidshare idea.

The weasel reasoning was, "Um, lots of people don't have strong antennas to pull in the free TV. We've created a network of powerful antennas! So all we're doing is charging people to use our powerful antennas! Get it?"

This isn't too far from the YouTube asshole who posts a TV episode and says, "Not my property. All rights to the copyright owner." Forgetting that he's abusing the copyright owner's right to determine WHO uses HIS property."

It's a bit like all the Hans Dementeds who say, "I'm just being a radio station. Except instead of you requesting an album for me to play, I let you download and play it all you want. If you like it buy it!"

Ho ho ha ha hee hee. The Mephisto who thought up this Hans-on Zinfuck of copyright is getting the Death Knell...

What it's not like is the pirates who simply say, "We're thieves. Do something about it if you can." As Dylan sang it, if you live outside the law you must be honest. Aereo tried to pull a fast one within the law, got taken to the Supreme Court...and lost. Nice try, guys. But you ain't Google. If you were Google everyone would've said, "Oh how nice, how thoughtful...let's leave them alone."

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