Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Google Buys New Toy: SKYBOX for $500 MILLION

Think about what $500 million could buy. Imagine all the people...whose lives could be saved, who could get a second chance in life, who could be employed...

Imagine the starving children and the homeless getting hope...imagine the old people who might have a caregiver for a few hours a day...imagine the acreage bought and protected for people, for wildlife, for ecology...

Now the reality: it's all been pissed away by the Google Greedheads and their power mad techie-philosophy of "let's spy on people more efficiently."

Oh, sure, Google will put a cute googly-googly smiley-face on this, and come up with something like, "We're just making the world better...we're making it easier to communicate with each other..." Actually, the world would do better to stop communicating for a while...stop sending messages like "go to a school and shoot people" or "hold school children for ransom" or "it's ok to steal anything copyrighted."

If Google wasn't just like Scientology...some kind of crazy "religion" cloaked in secrecy at heavily maintained compounds, we'd probably find out that the L. Ron Hubbard bastards who run Google are cheating on their wives, decadently perverted, engaged in power-mad humiliations of the workers, and who knows what else.

FIVE HUNDRED MILLION. Now, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you see why their blogspot and their YouTube and their search engine happily abuse copyright to such a "chilling effect." A judge orders a fine of, oh, $5,000 on $500,000 worth of abuse, and the Googlers giggle giggle giggle. Tossing $500 million for Skybox because they're too lazy to just steal the technology...that tells you just how filthy rich they are.

They buy SKYBOX the way we'd buy a Twix bar. No big deal at all. One day soon GOOGLE will plunk down some spare change and buy CBS, BBC, New York Times, CNN...I'm sure they're waiting, plotting, and planning. They've infiltrated the home computer field, they've launched g-mail and Google Chrome, and Google Glasses...each step is like Hitler annexing another country. Slowly, but surely, they will continue their takeover, while any competition (which is what, Microsoft and BING? Yahoo?) loses ground. Heil Google.

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