Monday, June 30, 2014

Kelly Osbourne Brain-dead Bint Gets Head Tattoo

She should get her head examined. Not tattooed.

Is there a day that some D-list dimwit isn't in the news for no reason at all?

Today it's Kelly Osbourne...who is...what...a nobody that plopped out of Sharon Osbourne's flappy vagina? Sometimes I lose track of these insignificant idiots and what nepotism or autism brought them in front of the pap-smear-azzi.

Look at this ugly stupid pea-brain:

The skag has a meaningless word STORIES tattooed into her retarded noggin, and she's grimacing and waving a Peace symbol??

Kel, let me put it in language you can understand:

You are an un-hip irritating twat-brained twit of a shitpile. If your father wasn't a well-known brain-damaged laughable idiot who bellowed one hit song 40 years ago, and if your mother hadn't used HIM to become a naggy, self-indulgent pain in the ass "TV personality," you'd just be some knocked-up bint in Croydon with multi-colored brats littering the floor.

How pathetic is it, to think that getting a tattoo is some defiant, hip act? EVERYONE has tattoos!

And look at that cockeyed spastic next to her! Hey, you're ASIAN, so you are NOT COOL. Period. You look like some excess tallow from Madame Tussaud's, you misshapen pile of chop suey.

It takes talent to print out STORIES? Svengarlic really thinks he's a master of anything but dung-foo by inking a brain-dead bitch with bad genes?

This was, unfortunately, far from the only revolting "entertainment" news. I've bypassed Justin Bieber's publicist pushing the news that "Brat Canada" is rushing off to be with his black boyfriend Floyd Mayweather and "comfort" him because some lemur in Mayweather's family got into a car crash.

I've bypassed a photo of the always disgusting Courtney Love doing a lesbian kiss with a woman even uglier than she is (if you can stomach that notion).

And I've bypassed the usual queasy and goggle-eyed coverage of whatever a Kardashian or a Jenner has done to boggle the feeble-minded. Not to mention the latest racist rant from pebble-headed bug-eyed no-talent Spike Lee.

The only GOOD thing about this wretched media whore is that she's momentarily taken my mind off the actual disgusting news NOT about the amusement world...three dead Jews kidnapped by Hamas assholes...

Also the miserable news that the U.S. Supreme Court (now stacked with conservative cocksuckers thanks to Dubya) ruled that if you work for a religious fanatic (the HOBBY LOBBY company) they can control your life. Hobby Lobby employees do NOT get health insurance coverage if they want to buy birth control pills. Nope, HOBBY LOBBY says "Get your white trash self pregnant, or abstain like a Good Christian...we ain't payin' fer no baby killin'."

And I'll leave it to somebody else to chew over the depressing news that eccentric singer-turned-painter Rolf Harris got convicted of molestation. No, he didn't actually fuck underaged girls, but he was quite an "octopus." His excuse is that he's just a "touchy-feely" kinda guy.

The world continues to become a more stupid and dangerous place.

Back to our story of the day...

Kel, your lame-brained cunt-breathed defiant grimace only screams "STOOOOOPID AND PROUD OF IT."

"Stories" huh? The best thing you can do is climb to the top of a building 40 STORIES high, and jump off.

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