Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tesco is RIGHT about Stud Muffins

One form of entertainment is for "Libtards" to self-righteously come out in favor of the homeless.

Not to the point of offering them a job.

No, "Libtards" (the derogatory word for a certain species of Liberal who might also be called a wimp, faggot or just plain cunt) love to go on social media and post their triumphs. Like, "WE got Tesco to remove the studs so the homeless can flop on the street while we shop! Hooray, now they can lie there growling for money, food, sex...and stink up the place and frighten our kids!"

"Libtard" lawyers love to make a name for themselves (in order to get clients who PAY, of course) by bringing lawsuits into the courts (and newspapers) on behalf of the hapless minorities. Like habitually drunken homeless shits who can't be cleaned up and are the worst types of alcoholics and loonies, and eventually flop back into Nightmare Alley no matter what you do for 'em.

The best you can hope for is that some of the homeless actually go to government shelters, or get their act together if they've really fallen on hard times due to economic calamity. But to have a whole lot of professional bums and outright pests loitering around where people are trying to live and work...FUCK 'EM. Yeah, "Libtard" lady, take one home, hose him down, FUCK HIM, give him a good meal, and then get him a suit of clothes and find him a job if you're so fucking concerned.

"Libtard" idiots in the UK and USA have been mounting campaigns to remove "spikes" and "studs" placed on the sidewalk. Somebody was actually COMPLAINING that there aren't enough dirty assholes flopping their dung-ridden bodies on busy streets? Idiots want EVERY bench to be clear of any arm rest or barrier, too. These are people who obviously never use the park, and have no concern for the old lady that wants to rest and enjoy the time she has left...or the mother who'd like to read a book while her kids gently play. Better to have fuckin' Aqualung leering at little girls, intimidating couples, and ranting and drooling at strangers? Really?

These Ivory Tower "Libtards" go to a private gated park area where bums can't even get in. They have the maid go shopping for them or they buy on line. They happen to see barriers on benches to prevent pests from lying down, or see posts in the ground so that fucking bums have to go to a vacant lot to sleep off their drunk...and they can't mind their own fucking business?

Tesco actually had a good idea, which was good for its customers. I doubt that too many ACTUAL Tesco customers were saying, "Gee, I'd like more bums getting in my way, propositioning me, demanding my food and my money..."

What's next? Give microphones and speakers to the poor loonies who can't scream loud enough about flying saucers, crop circles and the invasion of Earth by triffids? Replace public phone booths with a mini-mosque and water fountain, so that pious Muslims can always find a place to stop, pray to Mecca and wash their feet? How about baby-changing stations at the counter of every Burger King, so that busy mums can change baby's soiled nappies without the inconvenience of going home, to a car, or to the ladies room? Look, if stinking bums are ok in the street, stinking baby bums should be ok at Burger King.

Is there NO END to the world of clueless twits?

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