Saturday, June 7, 2014

Uncle Tom Usher: Blind to Pretty Girl Justin Bieber's Racism

Did I tell you that NO black celebrity would DARE speak out against Justin Bieber?

One big reason is that Bieber is the King of Pop now, and gutless black idiots who weren't alive when Dr. King was killed, or Malcolm X, only know one color: GREEN.

They know that to complain about Justin Bieber would a) do no good, and b) alienate WHITE FANS. Bieber's white fans don't think Bieber did anything wrong...because they probably have told "nigger" jokes too. So a white fan of Bieber's hearing that Usher, or Floyd Mayweather objected, would jeer "nigga tryin' to ruin our fun" and start a boycott. Nah, Usher wants white fans and has gotten some by associating with Bieber.

So racism is ok for an Uncle Tom like Usher. After all, he didn't grow up in the 60's when lynchings were going on, segregation was going on, and blacks were really treated poorly. Usher came along when it was now, "hey, bring us your rap, your blackness, you are most welcome in our Top 10." Usher apparently doesn't have the experiences blacks of a previous generation did...ones who would slap this Bieber bastard in the face. No, Usher's very wealthy and nobody's calling HIM a nigger.

Justin Bieber's videos showed a smirky nasty little vanilla brat telling his truths. Why would a 15 year old continually do "nigger nigger nigger nigger" jokes and sing "nigger" lyrics to a pop song. What for? If you have any sense, or any compassion, you don't record yourself doing that shit.

He didn't say FUCK or SHIT or do jokes on a wide range of races (Italians, Jews, Poles...who have white complexions...and not Chinese, Japanese or Koreans either). Nope. It was making fun of people who are the total opposite of Bieber. Bieber is cute, with his button nose and milky complexion and Oh So Adorable Hair...and the black man is ugly with a flat nose, black face and kinky Bieber laughs at the black man. You can't excuse it. Boys will be boys? Not every boy stands in front of a camcorder laughing his ass off about "niggers."

Take a look at the photo...taken years ago. Bieber was pals with Usher at the same time he was laughing behind his back and saying "nigger nigger nigger nigger."

This gutless Uncle Tom is pretty much afraid to admit the truth...that he's putting his arm around a guy who thinks he's a monkey. Bieber's laughing his ass off, that blacks run like Usain Bolt to get close to him and give him a hug. In the normal world, some 15 year-old twerp would be rushing to get Usher's autograph and admiring Usher for being so cool. But Bieber thinks HE is the cool one, and having jerks like Usher fawning over him proves it.

Usher could have said, "You know, I feel betrayed...this kid was smiling to my face and saying "nigger" behind my back..." NO. He'd rather insist Bieber said "nigger nigger nigger nigger" because...uh...because...

Look, USH...maybe Bieber isn't a "racist" in the sense that he won't hire blacks...but he sure demeans blacks, uses black employees to be his slaves (to the point of sitting on their shoulders because he doesn't feel like walking). He's stolen black beats and black dance moves and pretended those are his own.

So wassup, USH? Can't just admit that this kid thinks blacks are second class citizens? Only good if they're doing his dirty work, or posing with him to show who the MASTER RACE is???????

The other thing that's revolting about this Usher asshole, is that he completely overlooks all the REST of the shit Bieber's pulled. It's not like Bieber's been a good boy for the past five years, and the "nigger" tapes are some kind of mistake. This kid's just no damn good...demeaning blacks is part of it. Pissing and spitting in public, insulting the President, throwing eggs, drag racing, getting arrested for's ALL telling the world: THIS IS A BRAT.

Usher is a fucking Uncle Tom moron. He could've said, "I'm disappointed...I guess the shitty way he's been behaving the last five years proves that he really is a selfish, nasty little creep."

Instead Usher would give Beebs a great big hug. And would he be that surprised if a tape surfaced with Bieber saying afterward, "I could hardly keep that monkey Usher from pawing at me and getting his nigger lips near my face..." Oh, just wait a week or two. Bieber is sure to say something racist, do something vile, and show once again he has no breeding, manners or morality.

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