Monday, June 23, 2014

Copyright Doesn't Work but...GOOGLE PLAY!

You can hear them crowing HA HA HO HO HEE HEE all over the secret compounds of Google...

Their nasty "Google Play" is taking over the world, and dropping Apple to the ground. And, mysteriously, I do believe Google Chrome will be reported as the biggest browser someday...especially since, mysteriously, so many things don't seem to work well on Firefox, Explorer or Safari.

Basically God Google is telling the world, The Lord APPS Those Who APPS themselves.

I don't know WHAT the FUCK this whole "APPS" deal is about. I don't download shit, I don't need shit. I don't live on a phone and I don't live on the computer. But I guess "Free" APPS are actually some trickster scheme, and once you download one, either you end up seeing a lot of commercials and ad-placement crap, or the weasels behind this junk are happy to get all your information and the ability to profile you and who knows, zombie-you into going where they want you to go, and buy what they want you to buy.

No surprise then that robot countries like Japan, where there aren't human beings, just Google-eyed idiots playing video games, are happy to make GOOGLE PLAY so popular.

GOOGLE PLAY has been the subject of a massive bus shelter campaign in NYC. The bus shelters all had MASSIVE SIGNS urging people to go listen to music at GOOGLE PLAY. Ha Ha Ho Ho Hee Hee. First Google cripples the music industry, then it out-bandits Spotify and Pandora and brainwashes everyone to stream music and never ever ever ever buy it.

The wimps call this a "sea change." It used to be that technology just fucked our wallets. Bought vinyl? Now buy a portable 8-track. 8-track obsolete? Buy a cassette. Cassette obsolte, buy a CD. And now...FUCK IT...just stream it all and don't OWN a damn thing. Make the artists use music as a promotion. "Here's free music, please come to a show and buy a t-shirt."

That's a "sea change." No more books, CDs, or DVDs...just go to The Great God Google for all you long as you buy a Google chrome computer, only use Google g-mail and the rest of it...

....and let's wait for Google to really turn Hitler and say, "OK, now that we are the PAY us for EVERYTHING!"

A little taste of tyranny to come is what goes on with YouTube, where you can't watch a fucking 3 minute YouTube video without being stuck with a 30 second ad...or a bunch of ads crawling all over the screen. You thought broadcast TV was obnoxious with commercials every 10 minutes? There's hardly a video on any website that you can access without having to endure a commercial first...if you're not blocked from seeing it because you've only downloaded the latest ADOBE five or six times all morning. Ah ah...NEW UPDATE, open up your mouth and take your ADOBE for the DAY...

Computers are a fucking blight on the 21st's a dead heat between the fucking Arab psychos and Google on who will destroy the world first.

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