Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Matt Geyser - Diarrhea Is In His Veins. He Sired a Monster and Is One Himself

Hello World...crazy USA calling.

Did you read about our latest atrocity? Ha ha ha. This'll kill ya. A pair of pubescent brats who don't even have pubes glorious pubes...tried to kill a friend of theirs. Stabbed the girl NINETEEN TIMES. They were as bloodthirsty as any favorite murderer they saw in those R-rated movies that parents think are PG and suitable for kiddies.

Wait, it gets better.

They did it because there's a mythical MEME on the Internet, some kind of boogey man, and they naturally wanted to appease it, pretend it was real, and sacrifice an innocent girl!

Not laughing yet? I know, you were expecting the story to somehow involve semi-automatic weapons, which IS the American way. But let me continue.

It turns out one of the little girls has...a DEATH METAL FAN for a Daddy.

There, now you're shaking your head and chuckling just a little.

Of course. Of course. Over the years, we've said "Great" to every stupid shitty "kewl" thing coming out of the rock world. Safety pins through the cheek? Any kind of permissive sex? Bi-sexuality? Lola the transvestite? Bowie? Ozzie? It's ALL good. Idiots overdosing? Idolize them! Liz King! Jimi! Janis! Kurt! Hoooray! Let's off ourselves just like them!"

Our disgusting world of entertainment is loaded with splatter gore movies and porn practically cumming from your laptop (computer laptop). The music gets worse and worse, with violent rap and the even more obnoxious "death metal" bullshit with idiots growling into the microphone like the Cookie Monster, and spouting devil worship.

Where has it gotten us in America, land of most of this garbage?

It's gotten us to the point where 12 year-old girls aren't the victims, but the perps! Ain't that a hoot?

At one time, parents were telling their kids that drug shit and Ozzy and decadent punk and the rest of it was "not a good idea. Don't take this fantasy stuff seriously." But each generation has gotten worse and worse...and taken this shit SERIOUSLY. Funny, no?

What happened to the generation that was supposed to look at hippie-dippie parents in disgust, and reject drugs and selfishness and filthy clothes and utter chaos and disorder? Didn't the therapists insist that kids would rebel AGAINST their parents and do the opposite? Didn't happen. We never had a generation reject the permissiveness of their parents and try to act responsibly.

No, instead every generation has gotten worse. Less moral, less responsible, less civilized, less into ecology, less into logic, too. It's all backwards with shamans and devil worship...you think the Muslims are nuts? We've got devil cults in America and Nazi cults and every other kind of crackpot group...including religioius people who think God hates gays and kills soldiers for it. Including the brainless Amish and the Orthodox Jews and all kinds of other nutjobs who live in the Dark Ages and don't believe we put a man on the moon. For all its science and technology, all the Internet has been, is a tool for savages and bullies to steal shit and harass the weak. Their role models are jerks like Viley Virus. Could Viley's daddy do anything to stop her? Nope.

And here we have a dirtbag low-class subhuman dumbass named Matt Geyser who spawns a monster...because HE IS ONE.

This is America. This is the Heartland. You want to blame niggers and spics of the inner city? Well take a look at Matt Geyser. He's Mr. America...drinks beer, right? Rides a Harley, huh? Is an overweight shitpile with a stupid "soul patch" on his fucked up face. He's Mr. White Guy of the great Midwest...the land of family values.

If he has a job, it's a dumbass one, and he's entitled to blow off steam on weekends any way he pleases...whether it's beating his wife, going blotto on Bud, chomping meth, going to pro wrestling, downloading every death metal album FREEEEE...it's ALL good.

And this Matt Geyser mug, he's the face of America...you couldn't get any more symbolic about it if you took a photo of a rancid loaf of Wonderbread...one crawling with maggots and rats.

Matt Geyser is closer to America than "Old Faithful" is. His dick spewed toxic waste. A little girl became a monster, and without the make-up tricks of Linda Blair in "The Exorcist."

Look how we got over last week's atrocity of the 22 year-old son of an assistant movie director slaughtering six people. We got over it with something even more heinous...something that momentarily pushed V. Stiviano and Kardashian and Viley off the front page. One that even pushed the boring "36 year-old female teacher has sex with 16 year-old student" stuff off the front page, too. 12 year old girls attempting murder because of a real kewl boogey MEME. God less America!

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