Sunday, February 1, 2015

Doctor, WHO is the NEW Mussolini? Bozo Bezos of AMAZON

Anyone surprised? "Dr. Who" is being zapped from Amazon because Mussolini Bezos and his Amazon brown-shirts want "exclusivity."

You'd need a doctor...a try and explain the kind of sick, twisted mind Jeff "Bozo" Bezos has. He is to business what Joseph Mengele was to medicine.

Bezos wants a Fascist salute to only himself. Exclusive to Amazon uber alles. Anything else is (ugh) democracy.

Cold viciousness is what made Amazon the behemoth it is. Bezos and his brown shirts have bullied publishers, bullied TV producers...they might just start demanding that all musicians abandon iTunes and sell through Amazon only. Or else. The Mafia is more reasonable than Amazon.

History repeats itself, because "Never Again" is just something Jews say, and plenty of Holocaust Deniers think they're lying anyway.

So it is, that new Hitlers arise, like the CEO's of Amazon and Google, who now are more powerful than any record label, any film company, or any TV network. THEY are the Great Dictators.

How corrupt does it get, when you have to pay Google to keep a search favorable? That's extortion, isn't it?

How about Amazon spitting at Disney, Dr. Who and various book companies and saying "Our way or the highway?"

What, in their basic arrogance, makes Amazon and Google that much better than ISIS or Boko Haram? That they don't behead people, just separate them from their wallets?

In truth, Google and Amazon treat intellectual property like Isis and Boko Haram treat women; just something to stomp into the ground, rape and destroy. Isis and Boko Haram are more honorable. They at least believe, supposedly, that God is telling them what to do. What is behind Amazon and Google policy is Godless greed. ISIS wipes people out and says "God told us." Amazon and Google do it and shrug, "it's just business."

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