Friday, July 15, 2016 EXACTLY 5:48pm

Let's see...

In the crazed world of politics, sometime in the past 48 hours, a mop-haired British asshole was put in charge of all the British spies and all the delegates around the world.

Also sometime in the past 48 hours, a mop-haired American billionaire bully who loves to name-call everybody, declared a guy named "PENCE" for a running mate. Trumpence became the currency of Twitter laughter.

AND...sometimes in the past 48 hours, yet another Muslim coward psycho asshole named MOHAMED plowed into innocent people because he's a dirty ingrate immigrant mongrel. AND...because nobody wants to offend mongrel scum, the first case of sexually-transmitted ZIKA VIRUS was recorded in America, thanks to a twat who came from, of course, SOUTH AMERICA, land of cheap whores, hot-headed murderers and drugs galore.

But what's most important is that at EXACTLY 5:48pm, Julian Lennon took a photo of some assholes on noisy bikes.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, there's an expiration date on pity for SON OF JOHN. That is, the one that was raised by his mum because John didn't care much. (As opposed to the SON OF JOHN raised by his mum because John was shot dead).

The guy had his chance, sang his "oh, just like Pop" pop tunes and then began to put out increasingly maudlin, nasal-voiced nonsense. Now, like LINDA MCCARTNEY, he's decided he should be known not by a having a Beatle last name, but because he goes click-click-click.

You know, the MONKEY ART FORM that EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD does now. They don't even use a real fucking camera, they point with their cellphones.

No, I'm not impressed. Not that much. It's a good image but is it selling on a gallery wall? Did LIFE or LOOK buy it? (Oh, is there still such a thing as LIFE or LOOK or "magazines?")

How many fucking pictures did he take that day to get ONE? Real photographers, like Weegee, took ONE shot and got it right. Take roll after roll, and you're not a photographer, you're a gambler.

Just what the point of identifying it not only by date but by TIME, I have no idea. 5:48. Do I consult a numerologist??

Why don't you mention where the fucking photo was taken?

Hmm, the grim look of an industrial city, the faceless look of assholes on wheels, and the ominous clouds. VERY nice. Except the clueless caption is about how "it's all about the ride, the journey, the destination," which would indicate the photographer finds nothing menacing about masked assholes on bikes. That's because SON OF JOHN tends to a candy-ass, Mr. Kaleidoscope eyes, Mr. Self-Help Memes on Farcebook.

I don't know, Jules, but MAYBE...maybe they're on their way to rob a shopkeeper in Grimsby?

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