Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sassy Sass Katchawad Strikes AGAIN!

Yes, it's Sass Katchawad, wanting another wad of cash to cache.

Sassy's brilliant idea is that she be indulged. She's never worked a day in her life. Never bothered with school. All she wants to do is stand around pretentiously crooning cover songs and feeble originals.

You can't find any entertainment in any town she might visit, right? That's why you should pay HER for her transit and her hotels. Buy her whatever she wants, because the government grants she gets aren't enough for her.

While ordinary drones have to do jobs they hate, and only have a few hours a day to themselves, she proudly admits the world is her Mum and Dad, and she's entitled to get government funding, and Kickstarter money, too. SOME people pay to play, and pay to go into a studio and pay so that iTunes or Spotify carries their stuff. They pay for a website and pay to get a CD pressed. Ah, but not this new generation of smug Millennials.

Sassy is so typical of the headstrong, arrogant bints of today. She's a very ordinary singer, she has a mediocre body, and facially she resembles American talk-show host Conan O'Brien. Only he probably wears more make-up and hair color.

Sassy simply figures that unlike the rest of the world, and even 99% of the singer-songwriters out there, SHE should be subsidized. It doesn't occur to her that others should be on Kickstarter saying, "I want you to pay my rent on my bakery...I want you to donate twenty thousand so I can own my own taxi cab...I have four kids and here I am, knocked up again, so pay me to stay home and care for my spawn..."

No, in the real world, people save up their money, get a bank loan, or accept that they should not be a burden on others or a con-artist or a fraud.

As professional hucksters know, including fake blind men, phony priests, and healthy people who sit around with a "Help me" sign and a paper cup while they read the paper and mutter "thanks" if they hear coins fall, Sassy figures people LIKE to give away their money.

She preys on affluent clods who think they are "supporting the arts," by giving to a smug no-talent with a bright idea. The bright idea: "hey everybody, adopt me, make me your Pet Twat, enjoy being part of my TEAM, and feel good about yourself when I give you a nice "thank you," for letting me do whatever I want. Hey, I'll be back again with ANOTHER Kickstarter campaign in a month or two. Maybe I'll give you the thrill of seeing your name as an "associate producer" on my CD, IF you give me enough MONEY."

Some people have "the gift of gab," don't they? They almost hypnotize people into not being logical and not seeing that the emperor has no clothes, and the lady is a tramp.

It happens all over the world, every second. Immigrants stride into a government office, demand a translator, and announce they want welfare and housing because they have to spawn. The NYC mayor allocates thousands of dollars to pay for tampons because it's an "indignity" that low-income women should have to buy them, and that food stamps are only to be used for food. And yes, Sassy believes that despite being a run-of-the-mill singer who isn't even performing in old folks' homes or cheering up the blind, SHE should get government grants and...MORE, MORE, MORE.

SASSY knows all the tricks, like Shauna and all the others...use Pro Tools, find free websites, get auto-tune, "network" on Farcebook and Twatter, and by all means, get a Bandcramp account and float your drivel there so easily-impressed sheep can think "wow, what deep lyrics" and "cor, what a lovely voice," and use that link to get a free download in exchange for getting on your mailing list. Then you can brag "I got over 100 hits, and I have 30 people who get to read any stupid shit I care to write in a mass e-mail. I'm on my way!"

PS, do NOT confuse her with some other SASKIA who might need money but isn't such an arrogant slut about it, and so lives in even greater obscurity.

If you can only indulge ONE pretentious singer-songwriter, make it SASSY!

Never mind that every school, every village, has a dozen like her, and that "Britain's Got Talent" employees routinely see and snore through thousands of these guitar-bores, and don't even let them get to the next step.

Yes, idiots like this will eventually give up to get married, and tell the world they simply made "the right decision," while never admitting that they were doomed to failure if they persisted in their schemes and scams.

Bloody twat, isn't she? "It's that time again..." Before she stops annoying the world, she'll try more games. She'll have a mailing list and every 28 days she'll just send out a form:

"Time for you to fill my bloody Paypal tip jar. Why not set up so that your account is automatically debited so I don't have to waste my valuable time sending my spam reminders about how important I am. And I am, and you're not!"

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