Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Send Lawyers, Guns and Muzzies

Oh, it was a LOVELY July 4th Weekend, and a LOVELY month of Rama-lama-Ding-Dong.

Lawyers were busy, no doubt filing lawsuits against cities, buildings, anyone and everyone who DIDN'T step in and make sure their clients were "safe" from THEMSELVES.

"Oh, blew your hand off? Not your fault! The cops should've taken away your fireworks, or made sure you couldn't buy any. I'll sue the hospital for failing to re-attach your hand. I'll sue, sue, sue! You'll make a FORTUNE off your stupidity!"

That's Lawyers for you.

GUNS? The quote of the week:

"The gun didn't kill my boy. I did."

Yes, a proud Daddy-o in FLORIDA (where else) is standing up and declaring the NRA is wonderful, guns are great, but...gee, sometimes you make a mistake.

Guns don't kill people...retarded negligent fathers do. Calm Daddy-o is using this tragedy to make a point. Everyone should keep their guns. "Guns don't kill people," as the NRA loves to explain. Human error is just a LITTLE problem now and then. Now, listen everyone, always secure your firearm. You might kill your own son. So when you have a lemon, shoot it about 50 times with an automatic weapon and then make lemonade out of what you can soak up with a sponge. The one that still has some blood on it from your son.

Guns yes, lawyers, no.

Dad isn't gonna sue his beloved firing range, or the gun manufacturer. Not their fault.

You gotta expect a spent, hot shell might fly up from your rifle. If it gets on your shirt, and you try and brush it away WITH YOUR GUN, your GUN MIGHT GO OFF, so don't do that.

End of lesson. After all, why cry over ONE kid?

Daddy-o has FIVE other brats at home, and they ALL love their GUNS.

As usual, nobody is calling for gun control or birth control with these Florida assholes.

PS, let's make sure to use POWERFUL weapons. Last time I was at the ol' rifle range, I was using tiny bullets. I don't remember the caliber, but I doubt it was bigger than a 22. I was using a load and lock rifle so I don't think it was even possible for the shell casing to pop out until I unlocked it. But hell, what fun is THAT, when you can use a powerful handgun with a real KICK, and a spent shell hot enough to burn your skin??

I can understand the "sport" of target practice. I get the allure of firing a weapon, and the smell of...GUNSMOKE (oh, pardon me, I thought I was announcing a radio western). It's certainly an experience to fire a rifle or twang an arrow at a target, or even play darts. But you don't have to become a fucking FANATIC.

This naturally leads me to, lastly and leastly, the beastly Muzzies.

Oh Allah-Kazam, look at what happened all through Rama-lama-Ding-Dong. Muzzies were killing each other. Oh, yeah, they DID blow up an airport in Turkey, and a Muzzie did murder 49 fags in FLORIDA, but basically, it was Sunny assholes shooting up Shitites. Or vice versa.

So, what do MUSLIMS do in response to senseless murders? SOME actually go to a mosque and pray (after washing their feet a few dozen times and still smelling like camel dung). But most go to TWITTER.

Yes, that's how to reach Muhammad. He's got his own Twitter account.

How...STUPID...are these religious fanatics?

They TWEET "Oh Allah..."

Just like they'd do to Kim Kardashian, Boris Johnson, or any other powerful figure.

"Oh Allah, NOW it's personal. It was ok when ISIS killed Christians and Jews. Please tell them NOT to kill other Muslimes! Oh, pray for me, I wrote SLIMES instead of SLIMS. I will cut off a few of my fingers for that."

The liberal Saudi assholes (the ones who are our friends, and who piloted the planes of 9/11) seem to be especially upset lately. They are worried about how the angry sullen religious fanatics who AREN'T fucking white slave bitches and AREN'T living in Beverly Hills mansions and AREN'T out on the town tooting cocaine in discos, are fixing their orange eyes and crud-encrusted fingers at them.

Then there are the museums who are still baffled at why ancient artifiacts and statues and other cultural items have been smashed to bits. But hey, you can NEVER appease crackpot religious fanatics who just don't want anyone to have any fun. Oh, until AFTER death, with the goats and virgins and the stinky halal lamb balls simmered in hot sauce.

Yes, the news reports are hilariously pointing to TWEETS. That's all you need. Let's quote people Tweeting to Allah. Let's quote people tweeting that there's too much killing.

Here's some monkey Muzzie who runs a "fan club" for some hummus-faced moron nobody's ever heard of, and he/she/it gets quoted:

Oh, NICE Photoshop work, Asad.

The best voice of reason the media can find is Asad, who runs his own fan club??

Nice that ISIS is now "barbarians." As long as they target other Muslims. When they blew up the Paris nightclub they were still pretty KEWL.

And so we head into the Long Hot Summer. ISIS, still better-run than the BBC, Grimsby Tell-a-Laugh or the RIAA, have no trouble raising money or finding people to blow themselves up for no real reason. The best WE can do is shoot our own children for no real reason except GUNS ARE FUN.

OK, so are FIREWORKS! Yeeee hah! KA boom!

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