Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Saskia Griffiths-Whoore: "Piss On Me, For FREE!"

"I'm wicked-kewl Saskia! My Gen-X parents gave me a kewl name! I also have this Commie-Scab upbringing so I'm self-entitled, ya know? Nthing bothers me, like, earning a living! Mum and Dad gimme all I want, and I crash with friends and shit! My lifestyle is fierce! Whatever!

"So I'm gonna go to 28 cheap hotels in 30 days, and let guyyyyss PISS IN MY FACE! All I need is money to pay for the hotel room, so go to my DickStarter page and DONATE-EEEE!!"

"Pissing on me is harmless fun! It tickles! I know some girls expect payment for kinky things, and it's how they earn a living. I say too bad about them! I do it FREE. I hope to become so famous porn companies will pay to film what I do. Or, I'll have very rich guyyyss pay for private sessions. In the meantime, it's FREE with a DONATION! And yes, I have an online PAYPAL "tip jar."

"I've got it all figured out. On DickStarter I want to raise 4,000 pounds...for the hotels, for my travel expenses in getting from the train to the bus to the train to the hotel (which in Blackpool may require another bus and train and a walk for a mile down various streets and alleys to get to the one with the vacancy AND the working toilet). I also want money for soap and paper napkins and stuff. I hate asking for money, so I'm really not! Makes sense? It's a whole new thing I figured out.

"Sure, some prostitutes hate me and say I'm a scab, but they can sell t-shirts. Or condoms. Or something. Don't ruin MY fun!

"Life is FUN when you're a Millennial and you have others paying your way. Then you can come up with these great lifestyle ideas about how you're all really just sharing, and NOT paying for anything, and changing the world! I'm not gonna do something stupid like spend 8 hours at the cash register at Tesco. I just wanna have fun. So donate!

"I wanna have SO much money I can give it away like Radiohead. They have SO much money they offer free downloads of their albums, and don't care whether copyright should be protected or if other artists are struggling with Spotify or iTunes or shit like that. I feel the same way. I'll gladly let you piss in my face because it's ALL good, but for now, it's free if you donate and pay my DickStarter fee. Remember, if I do NOT get my DickStarter money, I do NOT do the project!

"Don't pay for prostitutes or subscribe to porn websites, or any of that crazy stuff that involves giving money to anyone for a JOB or a PRODUCT. Stick with my brave new idea of everything being free as long as you DONATE! Yes, it sure sounds like I'm taking the piss, doesn't it? It sounds like I'm all wet. Freedom's just another word for...DONATE! Do it TODAY! If you don't I won't do anything but hold my breath till I turn blue."

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