Sunday, July 24, 2016

Lindsay Lotion - the anti-Brexit babe smears her boyfriend. OOOH!

Isn't it NICE to be a bubblehead druggie nut-cunt like Lindsay Lotion?

The once-talented ("Mean Girls") actress, who has brawled with her family, done porn-like movies, splashed and dived with a singing career (not a bad voice) and feuded with Paris Hilton's retarded boyfriend, etc. etc. etc., has NINE MILLION TWATTER FOLLOWERS.

They care about her almost as much as she cares about herself.

Her ravings have amused-disgusted others, too. Her inane anti-Brexit postings were so bizarre they trended.

The other day? She hoaxed (?) that she's pregnant, and sent everyone scurrying to Instagram to see her pix of a straying scumbag Russian asshole boyfriend partying with some bimbo or other.

We're supposed to care about this twat?

What world does she live in, where idiot debutantes and dipshits are taking party pix with their cellphones, and sending her shots of her straying boyfriend getting drunk without her?


IF I'M BEING HONEST, for a moment or two, I actually did. That's because unlike walking STD bitches like Paris Hilton, Kim Kuntrashian or the Jenner abortions, Lindsay actually had talent. She can act. She can sing. She also had the ability to look pretty hot. Too bad she was a trainwreck.

But "too bad" can quickly turn to "too much" and to STFU.

What IS interesting here, is that NINE MILLION TWATTER FOLLOWERS are concerned about what kind of arrogant sleaze is plowing her shaved twat.

I mean, we're talking about an ugly round-faced Russian nobody with money, and a has-been who is lucky she isn't dishing the dirt with Amy Winehouse six feet under.

I do wonder, what if the fucking Internet was around years ago? Would McCartney and Jagger be feuding on TWATTER? Would everyone have wardrobe malfunction shots of Twiggy or Cilla Black? Would inane one-hit wonders taken selfies and flooded Farcebook to keep getting attention? Would an earlier generation have been as mindless as the Millennials, because instead of a monthly fan magazine, they had EVERY DAY ACCESS to egocentric stars?

Back in the day, every teenage twat cared what brand of douche Hayley Mills or Patty Duke used, and how Connie Francis or Connie Stevens did her hair. So it's not a big surprise that a cunt like Lindsay Lotion has a ready audience for any product she's paid to plug on social media.

Does this bitch realize she's LUCKY LINDSAY?

Generations ago, she would've had to fly solo across the Atlantic for anyone to care about her.

Now? She and other slits only need to do stupid things in public.

They control when and where they here, Lindsay and her no-talent rich Russian bastard boyfriend stand around like royalty.

It's almost a miracle that Lindsay Lotion has ever written ANYTHING topical on Twatter. She gave out her comical anti-Brexit opinion, but most of her cuntemporaries don't know or care about ANYTHING but themselves. Did Paris Hilton even bother with a "Pray for Munich" meme? When did Kuntye sing about anyone but himself?

Consider that the past few days have seen the insanity of Trump and the Republican convention, Hillary announcing her Vice President, and TWO Muslim murder sprees in Germany...and here's Lindsay bitching about her boyfriend, Shauna crying over Taylor Swift being called a bitch by Kuntye, and a variety of oafs and idiots swarming around Kickstarter acting as if they're entitled to everybody else's donation money.

Yoko used to squeak OH SANITY! OH VANITY! and she sang about topical issues. Now she's just an Internet fortune cookie, and using TWATTER for hardly any better reasons than Lindsay Lotion does.

Dylan sang that "ain't nobody righteous." Seems like ain't nobody thinking. Or, thinking about anything but themselves.

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