Saturday, July 9, 2016

Johnson Makes it TOO Easy

Oh, how lovely is THIS bitch?

Her crazy brother gets blown up after killing five cops...and she's defending him with Millennial-Nigga-speak.

You can barely even understand her Farcebook raving.

She just wants everyone to know, white or black, that he's a SWEET guy, and that everybody deserves to be treated like shit.

After all, if you think you're ENTITLED, and you don't get all you DESERVE, then you should start blowing people away.

Does it matter that her bastard brother was given the chance to have a career in the Army, with a pension? That he could've retired at 40?

Gosh, does it make you want to embrace this girl? Does it make you want to shake her hand and say "Gee, sorry about your brother"??

Or does it make you want to say, "What up, NIG COAL? You got yo brains up yo twat? What?"

Nicole does make it too easy, doesn't she?

Here's a black woman who can't even spell RACIST.

What a cow chip on her shoulder, huh? Typical, all too typical. She's proud of her ignorance.

It's so fucking sad, but the reaction to her brother's violence and her stupidity SHOULD be disgust and derision. Who has time to coddle every self-entitled piece of shit on this planet? Her family seems to be an inbred, hostile, psycho collection of brainless garbage.

PS, her brother was harassing women while overseas. That's the latest on this nut cake. He wants to blame THAT on being black?

One of his fellow soldiers, who happens to be FEMALE, didn't want him hitting on her, slobbering over her, pestering her, and being abusive toward her. Nor did she want to get gifts of slutty underwear from him. "Here, try dis stuff on and I'll fuck ya."

Or whatever his subtle line was.

No, this was a jerk long before a few cops popped a few career troublemakers these last few years. He was an asshole long before the BLACK LIVES MATTERS morons decided to make the world feel guilty and make sure that any cop incident was blown out of all proportion. This, while Asians, Mexicans, Dominicans, Haitians, and just about every other ethnic group you can name is also targeted for irrational hate and violence.

Nice one, bitch. Maybe the cops should just walk off. Just WALK the fuck OFF. Let you idiots take it over and do it up right. Take the law into your own hands, because that's what you want. You're entitled to it. Hell, even the Pirate Bay Swedish meatballs chuckled about how they believe in anarchy, and don't even want speed limits. FREEEEEEEEDOM for EVERYONE to do ANYTHING.

Love the compassion here. Now ya know what it's like, ppl, y'all. "HA HA" she chortles. She be laffin her ass off ^$#%$&^@&!!!!

What a family of assholes. Nobody could talk to her sicko brother and nobody can talk to her. There's no communication when there's NO BRAINS.

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