Sunday, July 17, 2016

People Slaughtered but Let's Care about BONEHEAD Bono

So, the fabulous BONO was in Nice, just blocks away from the attack.

He has a posh home in Nice, and he was enjoying a fine, fine gourmet meal at a hugely expensive restaurant where a former mayor and a celebrity chef were also dining.

Poor Snookums, his meal was disturbed.

We're supposed to fuckin' care?

Children were murdered, families destroyed, by yet another malcontent Muslim moron who thinks Allah hands out virgins in heaven for every bloody massacre. And we have to hear about BONO?

The headline makes you think, aha, BONO is just a coward.

But, no, he didn't hide in the fucking restaurant, he was DINING IN IT, that's all.

The commotion outside caused the posh restaurant owners to make sure their diners stayed inside and were protected. When all was safe, they came out, hands up, assuring any cops that they were merely rich people enjoying a luxury meal.

The story degenerates into a sob about how this brilliant humanitarian had come "DANGEROUSLY CLOSE" to being killed.

No, he was in a fucking restaurant, elegantly stuffing his pointy-nosed ugly fucking McFace.

Before that, he was prepping for an expensive, fancy-ass HBO concert and had NOTHING to do with the place where over a hundred lost their lives.

This guy was in NO danger either time, but we're supposed to think that he risked his life in some way, or that he put himself in danger by being where Muslims were? No, if he knew Muslims were anywhere near him he would've been in fucking IRELAND, not Paris or Nice.

For all his songs about death and destruction, he NEVER willingly goes anywhere dangerous. He lives VERY well, eats very well, and stays as far away from troule as he can. It's just his "luck" that a psycho Muslim had a menial job in Nice, and had wifey trouble, and took it out on the world. It was just his luck that a few fanatics picked out a crappy rock venue with LOW security, and didn't for a minute think they could blow HIM up at HIS fancy-ass concert instead.

After the attack in Paris he got his ass out of there. He could've stayed and performed. He could've shown up at somebody else's concert to show his bravery and to tell Paris, "I'm here for you." He did not.

Anything ELSE about this sanctimonious asshole? Yes, let's read on. The article further degenerates into some kind of ooky-spooky chronicle of how BRAVE he is.

Ooooh, ooooh, poor Bonehead, let's not forget that his PRIVATE JET had a malfunction and he lost his luggage, and that he's a fucking klutz and fell off his bicycle in Central Park. PS, everyone, a Nigga smacked into a female pedestrian in Central Park and KILLED HER. She was blindsided by this obnoxious speeding monkey, and she died, and it happened around the same time. That's a much more tragic story than an Irish millionaire falling off his bike, especially since the Nigga was never arrested or charged with anything.

What a story. Dozens upon dozens were killed in Nice...but gosh, BONO may have had to leave a restaurant before he finished his dessert.

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