Monday, July 11, 2016

The World Cries out...MOMMA!

How to describe the insanity of UK/USA politics today...

I think it comes down to a PRIMAL SCREAM. When we find ourselves in times of trouble...we cry out...


And so the only two sane nations on Earth look to basically stern women for comfort. It's the old mom deal...Momma is loving, nurturing, sensitive...but she's also going to tell you to stand on your own two feet and not expect THAT much help.

America, we all know about. The choice is between a lunatic right wing nutjob and TV reality show fool and Hillary Clinton, a somewhat dyke-like pants-suit-wearing career politician. She's smart (Bill insists "she's smarter than me") battle tough, and experienced.

She's attained credits without much to show for it. She was First Lady but she didn't even promote healthy eating (like Mrs. O'Bummer). Her crisis was saving face after it was revealed a pudgy intern was blowing her husband and letting him stick cigars in her twat. The rumor was that Hillary was bisexual and didn't care THAT much about sex with Bill anyway.

Somehow, from being a cuckolded housewife, Hillary won a job as New York Senator. She did it despite living in Arkansas when Bill was governor, and Washington, D.C. when he was president! She and Bill moved to New York and, amazingly, instantly got a welcome and she got elected. She passed no laws I can recall and basically just used the position, as Bobby Kennedy did, to springboard to something better. Neither Hillary nor Bobby had spent much time in New York before deciding to come and represent it.

As Secretary of State (consolation for losing the presidential bid to O'Bummer) she hardly had the power of a Henry Kissinger. She is still trying to wipe the dog shit of Benghazi off her pretty little shoes.

BUT...America wants MOMMA.

Great Britain wants a MOMMA, too. Well, beside the usual MOMMA QUEEN.

Without my having to hunt for it, the Prime Minister Twat news was prominent in every news-scavenge site and even the front page at CNN.

Up till now, seeing her name only inspired a mental chorus of "Dirty Maggie May..."

Who the FUCK is this Theresa May twat that nobody over here ever heard of before?

For most anything from transvestism to "driving on the wrong side of the road," Americans do look at the Brits as a slightly eccentric bunch. I mean, for the English, everything from homosexuality to small disgusting pieces of fish for breakfast is a LIFESTYLE and TRADITION. So we barely shrug to discover that instead of a fucking ELECTION, some twat is now Prime Minister! That's how they do it over there, is it? This, atop the other QUEEN!

Americans ask, why wasn't Prince William made Prime Minister? Or his twat? Why Dirty Theresa May??

But that's like asking why Brits like Cricket. NOBODY KNOWS.

All we know is that Great Britain always was a MOMMA! country. Fer Chrissake, the National Anthem is a sad, sorry, pathetic, ridiculous chant of "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, GOD SAVE OUR NOBLE QUEEN, GOD SAVE OUR OUR EXPENSIVE QUEEN, GOD SAVE DANNY LARUE...

Oh, something like that.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, for a sex that is constantly considered "weak," the twats have done all right. For a sex that is routinely put down as not as smart or as strong, even the fucking Egyptian pricks had CLEOPATRA running shit. The Russians had Catherine the Great. The Frenchies had Marie Antoinette. The need for MOMMA has been there throughout history. Say, when I find myself in times of trouble, MOTHER MARY comes to me, not the son with the holes in his hands.

But all seriousness aside, a passing glance at politics (which is all that's healthy) tells us we're really in bad shape and we need a WOMAN to assure us it's gonna be all right...even as she denies gay rights, is unfeeling to poor and disabled people (UK, UK) is just power mad and will be totally ineffectual about riots and Muslim terrorism (USA, USA).

So in another four months, America will have Hillary.

And, incredibly, without an election, the current HEAD OF ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT COUNTRIES ON EARTH just walks away with his off-shore money and seemingly appoints his own successor. Somehow, as CNN puts it, NOBODY wants the job except one ambitious twat. Another twat, even more remarkably, stepped aside. You sure don't see that anywhere. Two women on their way into a ladies room will hurry their step to push through the door first. Then again, being in British politics IS worse than being in a public toilet.

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