Tuesday, July 12, 2016

At the DAILY NEWS - Slanting the News MATTERS!!!

Forget about little metro gnome Gersh Kuntzman, and his desperate Piers Morgan provocateur columns.

What the Daily Snooze is banking on is their own version of pebble-headed Spike Lee: Shaun King.

You can depend on this asshole to make ANY situation worse by playing his race card.

He's their go-to (and maybe token) BLACK COLUMNIST.

His job, is to darken any news item with a ridiculous and moronic slant. That is, if he can't come up with anything faintly plausible (like white college date rapists do better in court than black ones).

Oh look, yo:

Anyone at the Snooze around for rebuttal? No, that's NOT how Fascist newspapers work. There's probably an order from the top: "Attention Gersh Kuntzman, Linda Stasi, everyone, do NOT write a column against any other Snooze columnist, ESPECIALLY THE BLACK GUY."



Now THIS particular bit of idiocy:

It doesn't even make any sense.

How do you compare an obit for a white star (or a black one) compared to an unknown? Of COURSE you wouldn't run a mug shot on ANY star, white or black if they died. Not unless the star was as well known for crime as for talent (think: O.J. Simpson).

There were no obits on that fat slob who was selling bootleg CDs.

It was a NEWS STORY. And once real working reporters (not fancy-ass protected columnists) did the homework and found his mug shot, they used it.

The reason his MUG SHOT was eventually used in newspapers is to clarify that this prick was, once again, NOT an innocent black man but a criminal.

Using a mug shot in this context is called BALANCED REPORTING. It tells people that the deceased just may NOT have been an innocent person in the wrong place at the wrong time, but someone well known to cops and ready to RESIST ARREST so as not to be sent to the slammer for a longer time.

As it is, we have slanted reverse racism in reporting, such as dutiful reports from the deceased's biased friends that the dead man was "a gentle giant," not a hulking monster who was resisting arrest and could've snapped a cop's wrist like a twig.

How DARE the Daily Snooze even compare Robert Downey Jr. to this moron? If you want to talk about hassle, let's not forget that stars can't go anywhere without being pushed, shoved, annoyed, and goaded by pap-smears with cameras. They declare it's "perfectly legal" to stalk innocent people and invade their privacy. If you're famous you have no privacy, ha ha.

Downey Jr. managed to get off his drugs, stop being arrested, and put his career together. What prevented this fat CD bootlegger with 5 children from getting a fucking job like anyone else? There are plenty of dumb blacks who make damn good money working for the government, and the government bends over backwards to take them.

Aside from the fact that many poor blacks (like Cosby, like Oprah) managed to get an education and get somewhere, you can easily say that even a stupid black can do an honest day's job. Not every Burger King worker is black, by the way. Not every subway conductor, not every sanitation engineer, either. There's no disgrace to doing manual labor. Rednecks do it all day long. If you don't want to be a factory worker, don't breed stupid children, or insist that they get educated.

What happens when a giant black guy selling bootleg cigarettes or bootleg CDs gets caught? He struggles, obviously. SOME of the blame for "I can't breathe" or a gun going off, is HIS.

Doesn't his life matter?

No, it fucking well doesn't. Neither does Shaun King's. Neither does mine.

To most cops, we are all just lowlife nuisances, getting into trouble, making petty complaints, and mostly boring the shit out of them. They either wanna be heroes and bust some unarmed mugger, or sit in a patrol car and eat donuts. They see enough crap, as doctors, nurses and lawyers do, to eventually think, "there are too many people on this planet, and they DON'T matter."

If you really think LIVES MATTER you wouldn't read a newspaper at all; it would be too depressing. Look at all the people shot, stabbed, getting into accidents, dying on the operating table...oh GOD, don't their lives MATTER? And why aren't they all IMMORTAL?

It's possible in this case, if this was 300 pounds of redneck bubba, he would've gotten pretty much the same thing, a one-way ticket to the morgue with nobody caring about his fucking life. Be a penny-ante thief all your life, and resist arrest...fuck you. "There will be Spring every year without YOU..."

But here's a so-called respectable newspaper that at the very least, is trying to pander to get more blacks reading it. So go ahead, slant the news and create a ridiculous column-torial about how movie stars don't get their mug shots in the paper when there's a respectful obit, but dumb black bootleggers do when they're involved in crime.

Meanwhile, how often do celebrities GET their mug shots in the paper BECAUSE they are celebrities? Nick Nolte has never lived down his wild-haired mug shot for being drunk. It seems that the SNOOZE and other papers and tabloids and supermarket rags LOVE to run "funny" mug shots of famous people, and refuse to let them live down a minor drug bust, a moment of being drunk, or whatever the usually petty excuse was for them being photographed and humiliated.

Reverse racism is letting blacks get away with shit like this. That's how it is. A black columnist hired for being black, writes a racist, stupid column and gets away with it. When will LITERATE, INTELLIGENT WRITING MATTER?

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