Friday, July 15, 2016


How STUPID does it get?

THIS stupid. Here's a pervert who was taking advantage of America's "Wussy Pussy" rule. This is "you can use ANY restroom or changing room you want." If you "identify" as female, have fun.

Here's a VERY masculine creep who simply figures, "I identify as female. The law's on my side." And while he's at it, why not take some photos, too?

Here's the story of SEAN who, when he feels like it, is SHAUNA.

America is where you'll find immigrant Muslims, the Zika virus on every plane, and NO COMMON SENSE.

We're reasonable people, aren't we?

If mother has a pants-wetting child in tow, etc. it IS ok for a FEMALE to use the men's room.

Likewise, if the men's room is flooded and a plumber hasn't arrived, it's OK for a guy to knock on the ladies room door, enter with his hand over his eyes, and stagger into an empty stall, OK??

It becomes idiotic when obnoxious drag queens want to live out their fantasies and squeal and mince all over the ladies toilet or changing room. Women should not have to put up with that shit. Nor should they have to deal with overt pervs simply saying "I identify as female" to sneak around sniffing and staring.


Most of the time, the bathroom has enough people that everyone behaves. Go in, do your business, and leave. The facilities are usually part of a restaurant or other public place where there might be security guards nearby. But for isolated areas, bathrooms and changing rooms should NOT be legal peep zones. COMMON SENSE FER CHRISSAKE.

A jerk like this shouldn't even THINK of trespassing. Yet, because loudmouth fags and dykes and trannies have INSISTED on their "RIGHTS," we have JOKERS like this.

What next, he gets off because he claims to be a photographer, or that he's taking pix for his "private" collection? At what point in our "permissive" society to we say ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT? Or do we wait for the disapproving Muslims to just BLOW UP the fucking toilets entirely?

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