Thursday, July 21, 2016

Tell the Polish Moron to go on Kickass-Starter

Aw, Kickass got its ass kicked, finally. You guessed it:

The "We Want it FREE" Millennials and Communists are in mourning. First off, they're griping that the stupid Pole who got caught should've been smarter about hiding his identity.

More ridiculous than moaning over this thief getting caught, is insisting he should "go free." Why? Because stealing is "Freedom of Speech" and it's a "human right" to have an organized thieves den where people copy off copyrighted material.

What's next? Saluting organized crime itself?

Here's a "petition" that sincere people have put together for their hero, the Polack who decided people in the entertainment business don't deserve to make a living.


Who else comes up with manifestos? Psychos who murder children. Niggas who kill cops. Muslims who piously sell drugs to fund terrorism. Killers of all types. Sociopaths. Thieves.

How about the logic of the first paragraph? There's disease in the world, so that should be the priority. Copyright is some kind of victimless crime. So what, so we've seen bookstores and record stores become extinct, and TV is now mostly "reality show" garbage, and the only movies that can be made are "sure thing" kiddie cartoons and super-hero shit. So magazines are disappearing and illiterate crap from E.L. James is on the best seller list, and every book is full of typos. This Polack should be free, and hell, he should be allowed to start up a torrent site again.

Where DO you draw the line? How about a Polack rapist? Hell, chicks should give it away. Sex should be free. It's a human right. Every girl should be raped. What's the big deal? She takes a douche and a shower and she's fine. If she doesn't put up a struggle, she's not even gonna have any bruises.

How about pickpockets? They need your money more than you do. How about burglars? You can afford a new laptop. What if somebody cheats on an exam or falsifies a resume, and gets a job over YOU. He's entitled. He's clever and admirable! ALL is permitted.

It seems there's always a rationale, always an excuse.

Stealing is sharing and the "hard work" of upping files beats the ease with which somebody works all year to research and write a book, or six months working on the set of a movie, or working in a factory that presses CDs and DVDs and prints magazines. Fuck them all.

Everybody should give it away free on YouTube, and while some people pay for Netflix and Cable TV and tickets to movies, others should get it all free and not be considered parasites.

Don't think about the hundreds and hundreds of jobs directly related to making moves, TV shows, or films, or broadcasting sports events. Who cares if some drug-addled skank does gangbang porn for desperation wages and ends up overdosing at the age of 22.

Not much empathy, huh? That's because the "GIVING EVERYTHING AWAY IS FREEDOM" assholes don't work. They're Millennials supported by Mom and Dad. They are retired Zinfarts who are on the government teat. They sure as hell don't practice what they preach and donate their own time. No, they want their Paypal "tip jar" filled. They want to be paid by Zippyshare and Freakshare and Fuckwad for their time. They want to be like Kim Dotcom and make a big living off their organized crime.

Most of all, THEY want to be paid for their services and THEY don't want anyone telling them how much to charge.

The ludicrous "manifesto" above suggests self-entitled brats are "freedom fighters." Fighting for what? The "human right" to steal from others?

At least Pirate Bay never denied they were a bunch of selfish obnoxious bastards. They pretty much admitted they were spoiled, sneering punks. They abused copyright because they didn't think they'd ever be caught, and tried to hide in countries that were Communistic or Fascistic. Funny, jerks who love anarchy are demanding that Change.Org and the White House listen to their idiotic petitioning. That's like the thief demanding his phone call and his rights...after robbing or raping someone.

The good news for the assholes is that there are plenty of other torrents around, and the Nazis and Fascists of Google and Amazon keep working to make it more and more difficult for any government to block any website and enforce common sense law. Generations of normal, halfway moral people are being replaced by greedy Millennial swine, polluting and corrupt fools and hedonistic morons who don't care if anything's left after they're gone.

More good news is that the 1% in the entertainment biz that makes the big money (Adele, Viley Virus, J.K. Rowling, R.L. Stine, Kuntye and his bitch) don't care about piracy. They have no conscience or morality in helping their colleagues who are struggling just to get an album out or a book published or a movie made. George Fat-Fat Martin and E.L. Slob James and the cheap-shit Kardashians with their "reality" shows don't want to risk offending mask-wearing hackers and malicious Clockwork Orange thugs who would "get even" if they tried to "ruin the fun."

What's down the line? The irony is that the countries that champion freedom will find their industries eroded to nothing because copyright isn't being respected. The countries that are full of Fascists and Communists and Intolerant Lunatics...China, Russia, North Korea, the Middle East, will gain strength and take over...and enslave the punks to working for minimum wage. Steal and your hands get chopped off.

There's a difference between petty cheating and organized crime, between coaxing a girl and raping her, and between copying stuff for a few friends and setting up blogs and websites to give it away to thousands of people and making a profit for yourself.

Forget where the lines are, and the result is an abyss. Be part of the mob and discover that there's no way to control anarchy.

The idiot Polack is NOT going to be freed because some clueless brats "demand" it with a petition from mommy's basement. BUT...soon enough Kickstarter will have some asshole declaring "I wanna start a new Kickass, give me $50,000 to start up. I'll hide in Croatia. I'll pay MYSELF for MY hard work. Your reward will be getting shit FREEEEEEE."

And yeah, download that Kris Kristofferson song. "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

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