Friday, July 15, 2016

How about "Pokemon Go" for these Awful Shows?

Oh, what's worse than a COVER band pretending to be Queen?

A fat lady pretending to be Adele.

Or ANYONE trying to be Sinatra.

Or Eric Burdon being himself.

Yes, here's another sample of bargains from a "paper the house" bargain company that DID NOT entice me with their selection of shows.

Too much supply and not enough demand:

Who goes to cover shows? People with a lack of imagination or simply total desperation:

"Gosh, Sinatra is dead, and listening to the records, or watching the TV shows isn't enough..."

"I wanna see Adele but $120 for nosebleed seats is too much, waddya got for $12?"

As for choosing some washed up frog-faced geezer who wasn't even pleasant in his prime:

"Brooker is such a repulsive old goat with only two or three hits anyone remembers. Maybe I'll do better with Burdon?"

Not if you have to take a bus to a train to a train to a bus to Montclair Fucking New Jersey.

And really, you'll be singing along to "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" for all the wrong reasons.

The solution is not bargain tickets.

The answer is to ask the the gooks from "Pokemon Go" to program little pickypoo sushiwa diddlybit cartoons INSIDE the venues. That way walking zombie Millennials will have to PAY TO GET IN and "CAPTURE" their prizes.

Remember when fads were stupid but at least good exercise, like The Twist and the hula hoop?

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